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<br />Masterpiece Homes, Inc. request to rezone the 3.19 acres from RI to Residential <br />Planned Unit Development (PUD) consisting of 16 townhomes, approval of the <br />preliminary plat for the site including vacated right-of-way, and approval of the <br />Comprehensive Plan Amendment from low-density residential to medium-density <br />residential subject to the 3 engineering conditions within the staff report, and <br />requested that the staff review uniformity and design alternatives for the site. <br /> <br />Staff Recommendations: <br /> <br />1. The Whaley property has been designated as low density residential in the Citis <br />Comprehensive Land Use Guide Plan since 1979, The planned unit development <br />application is proposing 16 single level townhome units creating a gross project density of <br />5.0 units per acre, just barely over the definition oflow density development. Staff <br />estimates there will be between 30-40 new residents in this proposed subdivision. All <br />development setback requirements are met with the proposed site plan and the landscape <br />p1an provides for a buffer and separation to the residentia1 neighbors to the north and <br />south of the proposed development. Based on the strong design standards incorporated <br />into this proposed townhouse development and based on the acknowledged need for <br />single level townhouse housing units (life~cycIe housing as per the Comprehensive Plan) in <br />the City of Roseville, staff recommends approval of Masterpiece Homes, Inc. modified <br />request to rezone the 3,19 acres from Rl to Residential Planned Unit Development (PUD) <br />consisting of 16 townhomes, approval of a general concept plan, approval of the <br />preliminary p1at for the site including vacated right~of-way, and apprr1val of the <br />Comprehensive Plan Amendment ITom low~density residential to me Jium-density <br />residential subject to the 3 engineering conditions within the staffrcp~)rt, and requested <br />that the staff review uniformity and design alternatives for the site. <br /> <br />CaDneiJ Action Requested: <br /> <br />1. Motion to approve Masterpiece Homes, Inc. modified request to rezone the 3.] 9 acres <br />from Rl to Residential Planned Unit Development (PUD) consisting of 16 townhomes, <br />approval o~a general c GePH)~n, approval of the revised (8-1-95),preliminary p1at for <br />the site including v ated righ.!:9f-way. and approval of the Comprehensive Plan <br />Amendment from 10 nSJiy residential to medium-density reside Itial subject to the 3 <br />engineering condition, within the staff report, and requested that the staff review <br />uniformity and design alternatives for the site, <br /> <br />Staff Report by: Michael Falk <br /> <br />11"'\ <br /> <br />i ~. ~ <br />l '(tJ'"'O~JA <br />('f'V D.L()r ~ ~eo~& h:> ~t9v62'1\'i> ~ <br />. ' Q. ~~ $\0( t1~'CI b? ~ set!taJ,s <br />^&J.I' . \1, ~.c..i-\("~ ~~:!~ <br />"\.... c.~~~~ <br />J:..ce: ~ ~~ ~ 8\t\ 'If-I~S" ftc..u <br />"bl"\:~ ~~\UJo.I~~M~~ <br /> <br />4 <br />