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2009-12-01_PR Comm Packet
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Parks & Recreation Commission
2009-12-01_PR Comm Packet
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ROSEVILLE PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION <br />MINUTES OF MEETING OF NOVEMBER 2, 2009 <br />ROSEVILLE CITY HALL — 6:30PM <br />PRESENT: Etten, Hiber, D. Holt, Jacobson, Brodt Lenz, Pederson, Willmus <br />ABSENT: M. Holt, Ristow and Stark called to explain their absence <br />STAFF: Brokke, Anfang <br />1. INTRODUCTIONS/ROLL CALL/PUBLIC COMMENT <br />Jake Kendall was in attendance at the meeting for a scout merit badge. <br />2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES —AUGUST 4, 2009 MEETING <br />Commission Recommendation: Minutes for the August 4, 2009 meeting were approved unanimously. <br />APPROVAL OF MINUTES — SEPTEMBER 19, 2009 MEETING <br />Commission Recommendation: Minutes for the September 19, 2009 meeting were approved <br />unanimously. <br />4. OPEN MEETING LAW AND ELECTRONIC COMMUNICATIONS PRESENTATION BY <br />CITY ATTORNEY SCOTT ANDERSON <br />Commission asked City Council to discuss the Open Meeting Law and the Electronic Communications <br />Policy with all commissions. Scott talked through the City Policy on electronic Communications section by <br />section. In essence, wherever the policy refers to Council Members this also includes commissioners and <br />wherever the policy refers to the City Manager these standards apply to the associated Department Head. <br />The guiding principle throughout the policy is that Council Members and Commissioners are not to try and <br />forge a majority outside of a meeting and their actions are not to try and avoid public discussions. <br />5. LEADERSHIP ST. PAUL PRESENTATION ON VOLUNTEERS <br />Jill Anfang provided the commission with a final report on the work of the Leadership St. Paul team that <br />worked with staff to enhance the Parks and Recreation volunteer program. The Leadership St. Paul <br />initiative was to create tools Parks and Recreation staff can use to better recruit, retain, record and <br />recognize local volunteers. The LSP team developed a newsletter template that will be used to recognize <br />volunteer involvement, recruit volunteers and promote the good work of our volunteer community. This <br />team also worked with staff to develop a tracking and recording database that will help staff quantify the <br />time being provided for the betterment of the community. Lastly, the foundation has been set for social <br />networking tools that can be used to recruit and inform volunteers in Roseville. <br />Commission Comments: <br />The recommendation was made to add a youth connection to the newsletter to recognize the work of <br />local young people. <br />6. CLEARWIRE PROPOSAL AT ACORN PARK <br />Brokke presented a proposal from Clearwire for a data network antenna in Acorn Park. The proposal called <br />for the antenna to be added to an existing hockey light pole with the addition of a 7'x7' piece of land <br />adjacent to the pole for an equipment cabinet. <br />Clearwire is scheduled to meet with the Planning Commission on November 4, 2009 to present possible site <br />locations in Roseville. The Planning Commission could require the site be a co -location which would have <br />significant implications for the Acorn Park site. <br />
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