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ROSEVILLE PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION <br />MINUTES OF MEETING OF MARCH 4, 2008 <br />ROSEVILLE CITY HALL — 6:30PM <br />PRESENT: Hiber, Kamrath, Kendall, Kruzel, Ristow, Stark, Willmus <br />ABSENT: Brodt Lenz, Johnson and Pederson, notified staff ahead of time that they were unable to <br />attend <br />STAFF: Brokke, Anfang <br />1. INTRODUCTIONSIROLL CALL/PUBLIC COMMENT <br />No Public Comment <br />2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES — FEBRUARY 7, 2008 MEETING <br />Commission Recommendation: Minutes for the February 7, 2008 meeting were approved unanimously. <br />3. HANC PLANNING COMMITTEE REPORT PRESENTATION <br />Committee Chair, Jake Jacobson presented committee findings and recommendations. Committee members <br />also in attendance, Dorothy LaBrash, Sarah McNeal, Jim McNeal, Marcy McNeal, Jim Stark, Bob Willmus, <br />The HANC Planning Committee was charged by the Roseville City council to make recommendations for the <br />operations and management of the Harriet Alexander Nature Center. <br />Through the committee review process three key areas of consideration emerged; <br />• Improve, Enhance and Develop Facilities for Cost Effectiveness <br />• Increase Volunteer Involvement <br />• Expand Facility Usage <br />Jake briefed the commission on how the committee developed these target areas and some recommended <br />actions to address the key areas of consideration. <br />Commissioner and Committee Member, Bob Willmus thanked Jake for his involvement and work on this <br />project. He also thanked all the community members involved in the year long review and planning <br />committee. <br />Presentation opened up for comments from committee members and questions from commissioners. <br />• Willmus inquired into where staff goes from here and how the report will be used. He also inquired <br />into the involvement of the Nature Center Advisory Group and how they might move/lead initiatives <br />from the report. <br />• Dorothy LaBrash spoke on behalf of the Friends of Roseville Harriet Alexander Nature Center. She <br />was surprised by how many people in the area are not familiar with HANC and cannot grasp why the <br />community has not recognized the Nature Center more. <br />• Marcy McNeal spoke from the student/youth perspective. She feels the Nature Center needs to do a <br />better job of inviting/recruiting teachers and schools to take field trips to HANC <br />• Lonnie Brokke thanked Jake and all committee members for their participation and involvement in the <br />Planning Committee. This report will be a very helpful tool for HANC as well as other City facilities. <br />The Nature Center Planning Committee process and findings fits well with other City planning efforts <br />and will serve a purpose similar to that of the OVAL Task Force. The next step is to present the <br />findings to the City Council for their comments; this is scheduled for Monday, March 17. <br />Motion by Jim Stark to formally accept the HANC Planning Committee Report, 2°1 by Harold Ristow. Motion <br />passed unanimously. <br />OVER <br />