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PAGE$ VISIT US ONLINE AT: CITYOFROSEVILLE.COM/PARKS <br />Have you seen the new Food Guide Pyramid? It now <br />includes exercising to help gain awareness on the <br />importance of physical activity in relation to a healthy <br />diet. <br />Even though the pyramid has a new look it is more <br />user friendly. Each color represents a food group and <br />the larger the color the bigger portion it should <br />represent in your overall diet. <br />•Orange = Grains <br />-Green = Vegetables <br />-Red = Fruits <br />-Yellow = Oils <br />-Light blue = Dairy <br />-Purple = Meat and Beans <br />To learn a lot more and figure out how many calories <br />you should be consuming go to <br /> <br />CITY OF ROSEVILLE PAGE <br />r }' <br />When you are exercising to improve your fitness and <br />health there are a few common misconceptions. The <br />biggest one is if you work out in the fat burning zone <br />you will lose more weight. This is false. If you are exer- <br />cising in the fat burning zone (light intensity) you are <br />burning fat however if you workout at a higher intensity <br />you are burning more calories which will result in a <br />greater weight loss. <br />Maximum Heart Rate <br />An easy equation to find your maximum heart rate is to take <br />220— your age. This is an estimate but should serve as a <br />good baseline <br />Frequency <br />Recommended 3-5 days per week <br />Intensity <br />This helps determine caloric expenditure. Intensity classifi- <br />cations by % of max hear rate for activity up to 60 minutes: <br />Len than 35% very light <br />35-54% light <br />55-69% moderate <br />70-89% hard <br />90-99% very hard <br />100% maximal <br />Best results to workout between 60-90% max heart rate <br />Time <br />Usually between 20-60 minutes of aerobic activity <br />