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2008-09-02_PR Comm Packet
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Parks & Recreation Commission
2008-09-02_PR Comm Packet
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The policies (bold) and standards were developed to guide the City in the development of Roseville's <br />pathway network. They are detailed statements that aid in the resolution of the previously defined <br />pathway issues. The intent of this section is to define the minimum standards for pathway facilities <br />in Roseville. In certain instances it maybe necessary to increase the standards in order to provide a <br />safe and efficient facility for the community. Standards that were left undgftned in this document <br />are defined by MNDOT pathway guidelines. <br />LOCATION <br />1. Inventory and acquire rights-of-way that have become available. <br />1.1. Where possible use available rights-of-way first. Use shared rights-of-way second. <br />1.2. Purchase private rights-of-way last. <br />1.3. Sharing pathway rights -of --way with underground utilities will be allowed as long as there <br />is no interference with the function of the pathway. <br />2. Provide pathway facilities along all roads. <br />2.1. Develop a pathway along aI1 arterial roads where equal alternate parallel routes are not <br />available. <br />2.2. All officially adopted recreational corridors shall have a trail on both sides of the roadway. <br />2.3. Consider sidewalks in primarily residential areas to minimize impacts to property owners. <br />2.4. Develop pathways using the following recommended standards as guidelines. Since there <br />are both Rural and Urban roads in the City, there are two sets of guidelines on the next <br />page <br />BL '= Bicycle Lane; A portion of a roadway designed f lr exclusive use by people using <br />bicycles. Bike lanes are distinguished from the portion of the roadway used for motor vehicle <br />traffic by physical barrier or striping and pavement markings. The widths of these lanes vary <br />between 5-1(1 feet, depending on speed and Average Daily Traffic on the road. <br />SL = Shared Lane; Any roadway upon which a bicycle lane is not designated and which may <br />be legally used by bicycles whether or not such facility is specifically designated as a <br />bikeway. The standard driving lane is to be shared between vehicles and light traffic. <br />WOL = Wide Outside Lane; Any roadway upon which a bicycle lane is not designated and <br />which may be legally used by bicycles whether or not such facility is specifically designated <br />as a bikeway. A widened outside driving lane, 14 feet or greater, is to be shared between <br />vehicles and light traffic. <br />T = Trail; An off road pathway that is 8-12 feet wide that is generally shared use, designed for <br />the use of bicycles, in-line skaters and pedestrians. <br />SS = Striped Shoulder; A portion at the edge of a paved road surface that is contiguous with <br />the road surface and separated by striping at least 4. feet wide. <br />City of Roseville Pathway Master Plan <br />Final Review Draft August 2008 Page 17 of <br />31 <br />
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