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Commissioner Stark mentioned that it would not be wise to halt the planning process at this point. It is <br />important to keep the process moving forward and give people something to look at and make informed <br />decisions. <br />Commissioner Willmus commented that there is a concern that the Master Planning process and project <br />implementation be a stand-alone initiative and that it not be combined with other City projects. Momentum <br />with parks and recreation has been established and to add other projects on would be a concern. <br />Commission Recommendation: <br />Motion by Pederson to recommend that the master plan request for proposals (RFP) as presented be moved <br />forward to the City Council as presented. Second by Brodt Lenz. Motion passed unanimously. <br />5. CHANGE NOVEMBER MEETING DATE <br />Commissioners recommended moving the November meeting (if a meeting is needed) to November 3, 2008 <br />due to the regular meeting date falling on Election Day. <br />Commission Recommendation: <br />Motion made to move the November Parks & Recreation Commission meeting to Monday, November 3, if <br />needed. Motion passed unanimously. <br />6. PARK DEDICATION RATE DISCUSSION <br />In 2007 the Commission conducted an extensive discussion of the Park Dedication Rates at that time. The <br />rates were changed to bring them in line with rates in other like communities. <br />Commission Recommendation: <br />Motion made by Willmus to leave the park dedication rates as they are currently and revisits the park <br />dedication rates in October 2009. Second by Pederson. Motion passed unanimously. <br />7. DIRECTORS REPORT <br />Brokke briefed the Commission on the Arena Project. <br />• The Ice was in and the arena was open for skating on October 1. <br />• Contractors continue to work on the roof -top units. <br />• The City of Roseville Website offers geothermal project time lapse video. Brokke showed the <br />Commission 2 videos, one of the concrete pour and one of the concrete pier removal — the 160 <br />piers were removed by Skating Center staff at a savings of $800/pier. <br />• The Best Value Procurement Method served the City and Parks and Recreation well. The <br />method led to the project being discussed and planned up -front by all involved. <br />• Few issues remain to -date <br />i. North Parking Lot Lighting is being replaced at an additional cost <br />ii. Floor required additional excavating and sand fill <br />iii. Players boxes were originally pulled from the project as a cost savings. Skating Center <br />staff completed the project at a $45,000 savings. <br />• Commissioner Stark mentioned that the positive status of this project is a tribute to the Parks <br />and Recreation Staff. <br />Archery Range Tour has been challenging to schedule, unfortunately Commissioner calendars have not <br />coordinated for a group tour. <br />The tennis courts at Rosebrook and Autumn Grove Parks are being worked on this fall. Rosebrook is <br />experiencing a total redo while Autumn Grove is being refurbished with crack seal and color coat. <br />Local Foundations and Friends groups are working hard to raise funds in support of Parks and Recreation <br />• Roseville Central Park Foundation hosted their annual Octoberfest last Friday. The event was <br />one of the most well attended Octoberfest events. <br />• FORParks will be hosting their annual Holiday Rose Home Tour on November 14 & 15. <br />• FORHANC is hosting a Craft Fair on December 6. <br />