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2. Roseville is a community concerned with its environment — providing ample open <br />space; preserving its wooded areas and protecting its shorelines. <br />3. Roseville Parks and Recreation offers residents a wide array of services. <br />4. Roseville is a community that equally embraces the arts and athletics — allowing <br />opportunities to support and participate in a wide range of leisure endeavors for <br />residents and guests of all ages. <br />Roseville Parks and Recreation is recognized among an elite group of local, regional and <br />national agencies for the level of the department operations and the delivery of recreation <br />based facilities and services. In over 40 years of existence, RPR.has been acknowledged; <br />1. Locally on fourteen separate occasions with the Minnesota Recreation and Park <br />Association Award of Excellence. <br />2. Re try as an industry leader in recreation.:managerrient and operations. <br />3. Nationally with the NRPA Gold .Medal Award for Excellence in Recreation <br />Operations and Management <br />4. Nationally by the National Recreation and Parks Associations Commission for <br />Accreditation as a Nationally Accredited. Agency. <br />5. Internationally as host of first class sporting events.:,: <br />III. Scope of Work <br />The consulting firm must provide the following services: <br />1. Establish a clear extensive comniumty.:involvement plan. <br />2. Identify the Park and Recreation System needs, desires and interests of the <br />community today and in the future based on anticipated demographics, <br />economic ano sociologic cnanges,.etc. <br />3. Solicit public input'from residents, community groups and individuals, <br />businesses an'd stakeholders through a.variety of tools including surveys, <br />public forums; workshopsand focus groups. Define significant stakeholder <br />groups and identify their role in the planning process. <br />4.. Facilitate input from a Park and Recreation Master flan update Team. The <br />team shall provide input on park needs, program needs, financing of park <br />improvements and acquisitions, needs for additional park facilities or <br />replacement of e.Xisting, (e.g. community center, additional indoor ice sheet, <br />golf course expansion, bike trails, warming houses, community park <br />buildings, etc.) The team may consist of: <br />a. City Council members <br />b. Parks and Recreation Commission members <br />c. Planning Commission Member <br />d. Public Works, Transportation, Environment Commission members <br />e. School District Representative <br />f. Roseville Visitors Association <br />g. Ramsey County <br />h. Citizens <br />i. Business Representative <br />j. Arts Representative <br />k. Youth Athletics Representative <br />Page 5 of 17 <br />