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1. City Staff (Public Works, Admin, Community Development.....) <br />in. Other <br />5. Establish a clear vision for the Roseville Parks and Recreation including: open <br />space, culture, historical, preservation, public art, trail and bikeway system to <br />meet current and future community needs based on community, staff and <br />volunteer input. <br />6. Establish a clear vision for the entire Parks and Recreation System as a whole <br />as well as its individual parts (parks). <br />7. Coordinate Park and Recreation System Plan update with the 2008 City <br />Comprehensive Plan update and other recent planning efforts. <br />8. Identify and discuss how changes to the external systems (i.e. transportation, <br />development, anticipated socio-economic and cultural changes, etc.) will <br />impact the Park and Recreation System <br />9. Establish a detailed implementation program for achieving the plan's vision <br />including: developing individual park master plans at selected parks (per park <br />estimate), recommend construction phases as well as provide cost estimates <br />and funding sources. <br />10. Identify cost estimates for the creation of a;park and. recreation system and <br />selected individual park master plans <br />11. Identify cost estimates for>the. creation of construction documents for <br />proposed improvements. <br />12. Establish construction stan <br />methods that will facilitate <br />13. Update defini <br />including: ge <br />facilities <br />14. Develop guid <br />levels <br />15.. Establish: doc <br />community: <br />Establish do <br />a <br />public art <br />entify best practice construction <br />i' and future maintenance efforts <br />e Park and Recreation system <br />ards, park classifications and park <br />grams including benefits/investments <br />priorities for improvements and <br />the Park. and Recreation System as identified by the <br />priorities for the recreation, historical and <br />17. Establish documented policies and priorities for preserving and restoring <br />existing natural features and amenities for the benefit of the community as a <br />whole <br />1.8. Establish.; documented policies and priorities for management of <br />environmental quality, habitat, ecosystem protection and enhancement and <br />water bodies in our parks <br />19. The intent of this master planning effort will be to develop a plan that is <br />desirable and affordable that will progress into the construction of the <br />suggested improvements that will be recommended by the community. <br />20. It is expected that during the master planning effort, momentum will be <br />created that will guide possible funding options for the proposed <br />improvements. <br />Page 6 of 17 <br />