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V. Project Budget <br />Proposers shall strive to provide the highest level of service at a reasonable cost. Fees for <br />services are expected to include reimbursable expenses and should be included in your <br />proposal. Funding may be divided between the 2008, 2009 and early 2010 budget years. <br />It is encouraged to outline as best as possible the work that is reasonable for staff to <br />perform and reflect that scenario in your proposal. <br />VI. Project Schedule <br />The following is a general timeline that will be followed to. hire a firm. Once a firm <br />has been selected, the actual planning schedule will be solidified Proposers shall <br />provide a detailed work plan that addresses all major tasks'and milestones to be <br />accomplished throughout the process. <br />Task Timeframe <br />9. Formulate prioritized recommendations for park system <br />10 acquisitions, improvements and services <br />11. Completeindividual Park Master Plans <br />12. Present draft plan to Parks and Recreation Commission <br />October, 2008 <br />November, 2008 <br />November, 2008 <br />November, 2008 <br />Dec. 2008 - April 2009 <br />May -June, 2009 <br />July — Oct., 2009 <br />Oct/Nov., 2009 <br />13. Present final plan to the Parks and Recreation Commission December, 2009 <br />14. Present to City Council January, 2010 <br />15. Present final plan to City Council February, 2010 <br />Page 8 of 17 <br />