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2008-10-07_PR Comm Packet
Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
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Parks & Recreation Commission
2008-10-07_PR Comm Packet
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It is expected that upon a contract award the consultant will begin work immediately in a <br />manner that is consistent with the final work plan developed in cooperation with and <br />approved by the City of Roseville. The final work plan will include detailed methods and <br />milestones, incorporate expectations described in the RFP, and the scope of work (see <br />Section lit above) and follow a "Best Value Procurement approach. Work shall be <br />completed by February, 2010 and will consist of a final draft suitable for public display <br />and presentation. It is expected that the consultant will regularly meet with City staff to <br />ensure the project is progressing in. a timely manner, to keep lines of communication <br />open, and to determine if there is anything the consultant needs from the City. <br />VII. Submittals <br />Proposals need not include elaborate brochures, expensive bindings, etc.. Legibility, <br />clarity, conciseness, and completeness are essential. <br />A. Proposals must include, at a minimum: <br />1. All submitted proposals must identify the name, title, business address,. <br />telephone number, and email address (if any) of the person who will <br />represent the organization. Identify the naive of the firm, legal status (i.e. <br />corporation, partnership, sole proprietorsh�p,,,etc.), and date of <br />incorporation or commencement of business <br />2. Identify your firm's number years of experience and at least three other <br />projects completed of a similar nature <br />3. List a minimum of three references who are familiar with the quality of <br />services.provided by each of the firms 1 individuals included for the <br />proposed team, for.this type ofproject. For each reference, list the <br />person's name, address, and telephone numbers. <br />4. Biographicaldata on all ind vidiials who will work on the project <br />Jncluding sub -consultants. List the individuals' roles on the project, their <br />qualifications, Minnesota State Board of Professional License Numbers, <br />and an indication ofthe>persons' role in projects cited in the firm's <br />dem onstrated;. experience. <br />; required in item #4 above on all replacement personnel. <br />City of Roseville reserves the right to approve any replacement <br />b. Discuss the key elements of your approach to the project with an emphasis <br />on how the major tasks would be accomplished. This should include a <br />proposed project schedule identifying how the firm would sequence <br />identifiable elements of the project, specific milestones and meeting <br />sequences with the citizen team, community at large, the Parks and <br />Recreation Commission and City Council. <br />7: Discuss the format of the anticipated deliverable, i.e. chapters that make <br />sense in the final report. <br />8. Demonstrate an understanding of the project and develop objectives: <br />Outline why your firm should be selected. <br />Page 9 of 17 <br />
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