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C. Miscellaneous <br />The successful consultant agrees, as a condition of being awarded this <br />Contract, to require each of its agents, officers and employees to abide by the <br />City of Roseville's policies prohibiting sexual harassment, firearms and <br />smoking, as well as all other reasonable work rules, safety rules or policies <br />regulating the conduct of persons on City property at all times while <br />performing duties pursuant to this Contract. The Contractor agrees and <br />understands that a violation of any of these policies or rules constitutes a <br />breach of the Contract and sufficient grounds for immediate termination of the <br />contract by the City. <br />The successful Consultant further agrees that during the term of the <br />Agreement entered into between the Consultant and the -City: <br />I . The laws of the State of Minnesota shall govern consultant contract. <br />2. The Consultant will comply with all`federal, state and local laws, <br />ordinances, rules and regulations governing discrimination and will <br />not discriminate against any applicant or employee for employment <br />because of race, creed; nationalorigin, or ancestry, sex, sexual <br />orientation, marital status, age, religion, or handicap. <br />3. Consultant also agrees that all subcontracts entered into for the <br />performance hereofshall. a similar provision. <br />4. If a Consultant refuses or'fails; o furnish goods or services in <br />accordance with the requirements of;the contract and within the time <br />limits, contained in the contract, the City may purchase such goods or <br />services from other sources, adjusting fees paid to Consultant <br />accordingly: <br />D. Contract Length The contract shall be effective upon the date of acceptance <br />by the City and the Consultant and expire upon completion of the services <br />covered by the contract. This contract may be canceled by the City or the <br />Consultant upon. thirty (3Q)'days written notice of such cancellation. In the <br />event of termination of.the contract, there shall be no further obligation on the <br />part,,of the City to: the Consultant save and except for payment of sums due <br />and owing for expenses and work incurred by the Consultant prior to the date <br />of termination <br />E. Rights of Use <br />The Consultant shall agree that the City will own and have the right to use, <br />reproduce and apply as it desires, any data, reports, analyses and materials <br />which are collected or developed by the Consultant or anyone acting on behalf <br />of the Consultant as a result of this contract. <br />F. Indemnification <br />The Consultant shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City and its <br />officials, agents and employees from and against all claims, damages, losses <br />and expenses, including attorney's fees arising out of or resulting from the <br />Page 13 of 17 <br />