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1. 30 copies of the final Park and Recreation System master plan update <br />should be formatted in the following manner. <br />i. Loose-leaf bound in three-ring binders <br />ii. Printing to be double -sided (back to back) <br />iii. S.5" x l I" paper except for maps, charts or diagrams <br />that may be on folded 11" x 17" paper <br />iv. Each section shall be marked by dividers <br />v. Color copies of pages including maps or photographs <br />2. Two CD's of the final Park and Recreation System master plan <br />(electronic format). The plan should be available in MS Word format <br />3. Presentation materials (i.e. Power Point presentation, maps, minutes, <br />graphics, etc.) used throughout the update process to become property <br />of the City of Roseville. <br />The final product will become the property of the City of Roseville aloftg. <br />with all <br />inclusive rights for reproduction and distribution. <br />X. Contract Terms and Conditions <br />The successful Consultant agrees that during the term oftbe Agreement entered into <br />between the Consultant and the City::. <br />A. Condition of Receipt of Proposals <br />1. The Request for Proposals does'not obligate the City of Roseville to <br />award any specific project The City of Roseville reserves the right to <br />cancel this: solicitation or`to change its scope if it is considered in the <br />;interest of;the City of Roseville. <br />2. ' The City of Roseville reserves the right to waive irregularities in <br />proposal content or to request supplemental information from <br />B, Fees and Negotiations <br />The City of Roseville will conduct fee and contract execution with the <br />recommcnded firm based on the agreed upon draft contract. However, in the <br />event the City is unable to reach satisfactory agreement, the City will stop <br />negotiations and commence negotiations with other qualified applicants. If <br />you have questions regarding submission requirements, please contact Jeff <br />Evenson City of Roseville. <br />1. No reimbursement will be made by the City of Roseville for any costs <br />incurred prior to a formal notice to proceed should an award of <br />contract result from this solicitation. <br />2. Monthly estimates will be used as method of payment with the <br />consultant submitting a detailed itemized invoice listing units and <br />quantities of times, personnel, mileage, etc., chargeable for that period <br />and applied to the unit cost of personnel, mileage, etc. <br />Page 12 of 17 <br />