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that it must pay interest of 1-112 percent per month or any part of a month to <br />the sub -consultant on any undisputed amount not paid on time to the sub - <br />consultant. The minimum monthly interest penalty payment for an unpaid <br />balance of $100 or more is $10. For an unpaid balance of less than $100, the <br />prime Consultant shall pay the actual penalty due to the sub -consultant. A <br />sub -consultant who prevails in a civil action to collect interest penalties from a <br />prime Consultant must be awarded its costs and disbursements, including <br />attorney's fees, incurred in bringing this action. <br />N. Data Practices <br />The Consultant will comply with all applicable pi <br />Government Data Practices Act, Chapter 13, of tl <br />O. Audit <br />All books, records, documents, and accounting pi <br />relevant to the contract, all subject to examinatioi <br />legislative or state auditor as appropriate, pursuar <br />Section 16C.05, subd. 5. <br />ons of the Minnesota <br />nnesota Statutes. <br />)cedures-of;the Consultant, <br />by the City and either the <br />to Minnesota:Statutes. <br />P. Laws <br />The Consultant will comply with all applicable local, state and Federal laws, <br />rules and regulations in the performance. of the duties of the contract: The <br />Consultant will comply with and be goverued,by all laws of the State of <br />Minnesota. <br />Q. Mediation <br />The City and the Consultant agree to'submit all claims, disputes and other <br />matters in question Between the parties arising out of or relating to this <br />contract to.;mediation.. The mediation shall be conducted through the <br />Mediation Center, 1536,. Hewitt Avenue, St. Paul, Minnesota. The parties <br />hereto shall decide whether` mediation shall be binding or non-binding. If the <br />parties cannot reach agreement, the mediation shall be non-binding. In the <br />event mediation is unsuccessful; either party May exercise its legal or <br />equitable remedies and May commence such action prior to the expiration of <br />the applicable statute of limitations. <br />R. Termination <br />The contract may be terminated for any reason upon giving thirty (30) days <br />advanced written notice to the other party. The City reserves the right to <br />cancel this contract at any time in the event of default or violation by the <br />Consultant of any provision of the contract. The City may take whatever <br />action at law or in equity that May appear necessary or desirable to collect <br />damages arising from a default or violation or to enforce performance of the <br />contract. <br />XI Statement of Non -Collusion <br />The following statement shall be made as part. of the Consultant proposal. <br />Page 16 of 17 <br />