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2008 Guidant John Dose MN OVAL Bonding Project <br />In 2008, the City of Roseville worked with area legislators to request funds to address the items <br />remaining' from the 2006 bonding request. Once again, the City of Roseville was awarded 5600,000 <br />in bonding funds for improvement to the Guidant John Rose MN OVAL. Staff is currently <br />prioritizing the items remaining on. the list and determining preliminary cost estimates to find the <br />best use of these fields. There are two projects that are the highest priority at this time: <br />I ) Replace the tarmac surrounding the OVAL ice surface. The blacktop surface was <br />installed to serve as a service road for ice maintenance equipment as well as a <br />running/walking track for athletes to train or warm up for events. Over the years, the <br />blacktop has settled and has become un.safc for athletes to run at a training pace without <br />risk of injury. The most severe areas will receive attention before the 2008-09 OVAL ice <br />season. The entire ta.rimac will be resurfaced during the spring of 2009. <br />2) Replace the OVAL scoreboard. The giant scoreboard that serves as a message center, <br />timing system and scoreboard for OVAL users has become difficult to maintain. The <br />outdated technology requires a large amount of staff time to be maintained to acceptable <br />standards. With 110,000 light bulbs, it is a constant challenge to keep the board in <br />working order to properly display messages.. Part availability is also becoming very <br />limited due to the older technology. Staff is currently researching all options from. full. <br />video display boards to LED still image display units. <br />Other iterns that remain on the list for consideration are: <br />Install facility Monitoring Equipment <br />Install cameras for monitoring activity throughout the enormous facility <br />hnstall security monitoring controls for building access points <br />Banquet Carpeting <br />Install new carpeting in banquet rooms and the hallway <br />Renovate Banquet Facility Kitchen <br />Convert adjacent storage room to a walk-in cooler to better accommodate events <br />which require catering services <br />Install Gas Heating and Snow Melt Pit at Oval <br />Snow Melt pit to dump Zarnboni and melt resurfacer snow <br />Will reduce Oval ice maintenance times <br />Replace Skate Park Equipment <br />Replace current wood equipment with new, weather resistant pieces <br />Sound System Upgrade <br />Install a central public address system for safety & monitoring <br />Better sound control, reducing neighborhood disturbances <br />