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2008-07-01_PR Comm Packet
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Parks & Recreation Commission
2008-07-01_PR Comm Packet
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DRAFT Meeting Notes <br />Comprehensive Plan Steering Committee —June 26, 2008 <br />Members Attending: Dan Roe, Amy Ihlan, Steve Burwell, Mary Bakeman, Karen Schaffer, Jeff Johnson, <br />Gary Grefenberg, Stuart Shwiff, Jim Doherty, John Goedeke, James DeBenedet, Tammy Pust. <br />Absent: Al Sands <br />Others: Jamie Radel (City Staff), Rusty Fifield (HKGi consultant), Jeff Miller (HKGi consultant), Carol <br />Kough, Bob Wilmus (Councilmember), Lonnie Brokke (City Staff) <br />Draft Parks Chapter <br />Miller provided an overview of the draft Parks, (open Space and Recreation chapter. The draft chapter has <br />been influenced by the plans of the City to update the parks system plan within the next twelve months. The <br />system plan update will provide more detailed information for use in a future comprehensive plan <br />amendment. The draft chapter attempts to lay the foundation for the system plan update. <br />The review of the draft chapter began with Goals and. Policies. Miller explained that the draft tries to align <br />with the current parks system plan. <br />Johnson asked for clarification of term "financially practical' in Goal #1. Schaffer indicated that this language <br />provided a pretty low standard. Miller commented that the intent is to ensure that financial considerations <br />are part of parks planning. <br />Bakeman noted that "ongoing maintenance" was missing from this goal. <br />Johnson stated that feedback consistently shows that the public wants a highly level of maintenance for the <br />parks system. <br />Grefenberg suggested including the involvement of residents of adjacent neighborhoods in the planning of <br />individual parks as an element of Policy # 1.2. <br />Pust questioned if the language of Policy # 1.2 is too narrow. She suggested a broader reference to use and <br />updating of the parks system plan, rather than a reference to individual park master plans. <br />Doherty questioned the intent of "equitable" in Goal #2. Miller responded that the language is written to <br />address the distribution of parks and the provision of facilities to underserved areas. <br />Schaffer that "access" should refer not just to parks, but to the need for connectivity within the community. <br />She noted that non -motorized transportation is treated broadly in the Transportation chapter and not <br />discussed in the Parks chapter. A map of trails and pathways docs not appear in the current draft of the <br />Comprehensive Plan. <br />Johnson informed the Committee that another committee is currently working on an update of the pathways <br />plan.. <br />Miller indicated that a pathways map would be added to the next draft of the Parks chapter. <br />Shwiff stated that safety is an important clement of access, particularly for youth. Miller suggested adding <br />language related to safety to Policy #3.1. <br />Ihlan proposed dropping the emphasis on receiving cash in lieu of dedication in Policy #2.3. Doherty <br />indicated that "require" at the beginning of the policy seemed too strong. A general discussion of this policy <br />followed. The Committee agreed to change this policy by deleting the emphasis on cash and supporting the <br />continued use and evaluate of park dedication requirements. <br />
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