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A <br />Community <br />t.�ure <br />Join the fun ... attend a concerts in the park; tour Roseville by foot, <br />bike or inline skates; cheer on rUn, roll and ride participants, explore <br />Roseville's parks as you search for the Golden Rose Medallioln: <br />play a round of golf for furl or competition; relax by the campfire:; <br />enjoy the sites and sounds of a great parade .... <br />Experience the Best of RosevfflO <br />Thursday, June 21 - Rosefest Kick Off ..,.Sunday, June Community Treasures Day <br />Rosefest Youth Golf Tournament — 1-3prn @ Cedarholm GC ' . Outback Rosefest Golf `tournament — Barn -12N <br />Scramble format tourney for boys and girls ages 11-15: Mine holed Nine holes, catt!�ed lunch, contests and door prizes, <br />of golf, contests with prizes and rootbeer floats all for just, 15 0 $20f golfer. all 651 -63:3 -iris fo€ tee tiro <br />Tm rde Passes -- 9 rn Com; Skating Center <br />Heritage place of Roseville Golders Rase Medallion Aunt }dick -Off, Tour de Doses . a ;great biko ride for all ages featuring 10 & 245 <br />6:30-9:30pm @ CP Lexington t-,- routes. Proceeds bei-ief€t North Suburban Youth f=ounul<:,[icn. <br />Strut Your Roses — 6:30pm � Porsche Car haw- 9:30am-1:30 rn @ CP Dale Street: <br />A pageant of anything & everything named °Rose". Is your name * Rosefest Dara on Party — 1- pm @ C Ar°boreturn <br />Rose (or Rosevelt)? Live on a Rose street name? Pet named A day for ... f,'VeFt fu€1tertait111,1e�st, pr.hlic art dedication, fa`=.niiy n, n <br />Rose? Reserve your spot today and Strut Your Roses. � awesome car i[ymnity pride. <br />Heritage Place of Roseville; Golden nose Medallion Hunt �.Teddy bear Sand & Touch a Truck— 5:30-8prn @DArnph theatre <br />Search Roseville's .parks using clues or GPS to find the illusive w <br />medal to win a bounty of prizes! Double your prize package with ,.. Monday, June 25 — Salute the Troops <br />a registered Rosefest Button. Clues 2-6 released daily at l oam, o Rose .Parade, — 6.15pm <br />June 22-26, or until found at City of Roseville facilities and online , The annual Roseville Rose Parade features talented rr ach,ing <br />a' - !,Nw.cityofrosevNe.comlparks D bands. floats, clowns a variety of entertainment and fes tival <br />Tin, Mahoney in Concert — 7:30pm @ Amphitheatre o treats- pwade begins at RAHS, travels east on CAy Rid B-2 <br />Experience one of the Midwest's premiere rock and roll showmen{ & North ort Lexington to Cty Rd C ending at the Skating <br />0 0 * 0 W 0 W 0 0 ID 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W 0 a a 00 0 Q 0 0 9 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 fp 0 e Ci 0 5� <br />Friday, June 22 - Resident Appreciation Day ' Tuesday, June 26 — BSQ & Blues Fest <br />Pirie & Dine on a Dime — 11:30arrt=6:30pm @ Cedarholm GC 01 Famous Dave's BBQ & Blues Fest-6-9pm @ AaiphiUne trc <br />Golf, contests and burger combo for $10 � 6pm Famous Dave's serving tasty ribs, sandwichies, side s <br />Free Admission G Skating Center. — 6:30-6.30pm 6prn Masses Oakland <br />Roseville Residents take Your skates, wheels, boards and bikes to 7:3 pno Big Walter & the Groove Merchants <br />the Skating Center and enjoy some fT-ee fun. Sponsored by Rosevrlle's Famous Dave's <br />Campfire Capers @ HA 1C— 7-9prn Community Wellness Fair — -3pm @ CP Lexington <br />n <br />A pageant of anything <& everything named "Rose". Is your name 0 Sponsored by RosePointe Independent Living Ap r-trFrenVi <br />Rose (or Rosevelt)? Live on a Rose street name? Pet named 0 Step Up to Wellness and become Rosefit. Visit area I eaa th <br />Rose? Reserve your spot today and Strut Your Roses. 0 & weliness providers to learn how to improve your lar alar <br />0 0 0 0 a 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 W� <br />Saturday, June 23 - Out & Abort Day <br />Runs for the Roses — 6am @ Skating Center �1 "A <br />5 and 1 OK races featuring scenic routes taking runners through <br />Roseville's fabulous neighborhoods and great parks. Rosefest updates & more information <br />Roll for the Roses — 7.66am @ Skating Center <br />Kick off the summer with a 10K inline race though Roseville, 651 -792-7006 <br />Mature Flick — 0:30prn ca HANC <br />Find a great seat under the stars at the Nature Center Stage to <br />F "`-�y a fun family flick. <br />i H W 0 w 0 0 0 4 e 0 0 R 0 a 0 0 0 0 A i e 0 0 0 0 a 0 qA 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 & 0 a V 4a e <br />Heritage IanRoseville Medallion -June 22-26 or rrr,trt r rd � t <br />Clues 2-6 released daily at 10 am at City of Roseville facilities and online at v4rvvw.cityofrosevifle.comiparks <br />Rosefest Prize Drawing Entry Form <br />Registet- your 2007 Rosefest <br />Return official Rosefest Prize Drawing Entry Form to the Roseville Darks and Recreation Office w Roseville City '-€;ail -.. <br />2660 Civic Center Drive- before 12N, 6122107 to be eligible for Medallion Bonus Prizes c& by 4pm, 6/26/07 for Rosefest Prize Dr-amnci <br />Prize Drawing scheduled for7:15prn June 26 at the Roseville Amphitheater, <br />Winners need not be present to collect their pHze. <br />No purchase necessary. Rosefest Prize Drawing Eniry Forrns available. at a/1 Roseville Parks and Recreation Off ce. <br />Parcae: <br />Address: <br />City: <br />Phone: <br />-mail, <br />Please print information clearly — No Purohase necessary <br />Zile: <br />