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Planning Files
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PF2000 - PF2999
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Last modified
7/17/2007 12:11:36 PM
Creation date
12/8/2004 1:18:51 PM
Planning Files
Planning Files - Planning File #
Planning Files - Type
Conditional Use Permit
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<br />the West Snelling Avenue Frontage Road along the north side of the site. There is currently one <br />driveway approach to the site from County Road B. It is located relatively close to Snelling <br />Avenue. The applicant proposes to relocate the existing County Road "B" approach 19 feet to <br />the west of its current location and add a second approach at the southwest corner of the site. <br />Staff was concerned that the additional entrance may cause confusion and additional conflicts <br />for motorists on County Road B. There is a potential for the entrance to be partially blocked by <br />traffic leaving the gas pump area and being positioned over the center of the driveway. (A <br />driveway access permit must be issued by Ramsey County.) The City's traffic consultant, Glen <br />Van Wormer, reviewed the site and found that additional access southwest "B" may actually <br />reduce conflicts and congestion. V an Wormer suggested that the northeast entrance be closed to <br />reduce cross-through traffic. Staff expressed concern about tanker exiting with only one exit on <br />the north side and recommended that in order to inhibit thru-traffic from the southeast entrance <br />to the northeast entrance, the applicant construct a strong landscape element and signage in this <br />area to identify this property as privately owned and not a part of the highway frontage road. <br /> <br />4) PARKING: The site plan indicates that 20 parking spaces will be provided in addition to the <br />spaces at the pump island. The code requires 4 spaces plus 1 space per 150 square feet of floor <br />area devoted to retail sales. In this case, the 20 spaces would satisfy this requirement. The <br />applicants are proposing that a part of the convenience store space would be occupied by a !1Q sit <br />down sandwich deli. The traffic consultant has indicated that this will not add significant trips to <br />the site and should not create any problems at entrances. Approximately 400 daily trips to the <br />site for sandwich deli can be anticipated, with 40 p.m. peak hour trips being generated. <br /> <br />5) LANDSCAPING: The landscape plan emphasizes perimeter landscaping with a good mix of <br />evergreen and deciduous over-story trees. The over-story trees are complimented with <br />foundation planting shrubs. Of special note is the landscape area in the southeast quadrant of the <br />site, where additional planting is necessary to visually alert motorists that the driveway is not <br />part of the frontage road system.. <br /> <br />6) SITE PLAN SETBACKS: The site plan, as presented, meets setback requirements from <br />property lines. However, along the north line, the Snelling Avenue Frontage Road is constructed <br />on the property without an easement. Engineering staff is recommending, as part of the <br />conditional use permit, the applicant dedicate a 20 foot easement to the City. <br /> <br />7) DESIGN STANDARDS: The plans were reviewed based on the City's design standards and <br />the following was determined: <br /> <br />1. The exterior materials of brick, glass and stucco, meet the design standards. <br />2. The 5% interior parking lot landscaping would not be met, however, because of the <br />nature of the required site design for a motor fuel station, this standard would not apply. <br />A strong perimeter landscape plan is provided. <br />3. The rooftop HV AC units will be screened by a 3 foot parapet wall. <br />4. The property does not abut residential properties and therefore, screening requirements do <br /> <br />2 <br />
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