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<br />3/7/96 <br /> <br />to: City of Roseville, Dennis Welsch, city council members <br />from: Peggy Egli. 705 Heinel Circle <br />regarding: Lake Owasso dimtnsions relative to possible slX.ed limit in SWend <br /> <br />I bclie,'c that a reduecd speed limit in the SW end ofLak.e Owasso. in conjunction with a ISO' <br />buffe.r zone as proposed by Shoreview: would be a satisfactory solution to: <br />_ maintain water quality and reducc boat-generated turbidity in the lake. <br />_ address residents' concerns about increased speedboat noise. <br />_ maintain aesthetic and wildlife habitat value of the SWend oftbe lake. <br />_ prevent the installation of a new slalom COUISe at the lake's narrowest poinl. <br /> <br />Recause instiluliun ur a speed limit wuu1d nece.~..itale a change in the Joinl PnweTS A greemenl with . <br />Shoreview, 1 think we should hold on to our legal right to the 300' buffer in the current ordinance <br />unti1 we can get the agreement of Shore view and appmval by the DNR of the speed limit. T would <br />not agree to changing to 150' before another protection such as a speed limit was in place. <br /> <br />By cutting out and weighing portions of the DNR and Roseville maps of Lake Owasso. I was able <br />to determine the proportion of the lake which would be affected by a reduced speed limit. I have <br />identified three potential boundaries for the limit, A (least restrictive), B. and C (most restrictive). <br />Although I identified A.B. and C roughly based on lake dimensions. they correspond <br />approximately to: <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />A <br />D <br />C <br /> <br />2924 W Owasso <br />2968 W Owasso <br />3016 W Owasso <br /> <br />699 Heinel <br />641/639I1einel <br />585 He.inel <br /> <br />DNR omdal lake map of Owasso: <br />I cut out the entire lake minus floating and emergent vegetation. sinee these regions are not <br />acr.essible to speedboats. Regions A.B. and C (potential speed limit zones) were removr.d (0 <br />determine the % of navigable lake remaining. <br /> <br />Entire lake minus floating and emergent vegetation <br />Shore,'iew <br />Roseville <br /> <br />100% <br />48.9% <br />51.1% <br /> <br />Entire minus A <br />Entire minus A+B <br />Entire minusA+B+C <br /> <br />89.1% <br />86.5% <br />83.1% <br /> <br />Roseville only minus A <br />RoseviUe only minus A+B <br />Roseville only minus A+B+C <br /> <br />78.7% <br />73.7% <br />66.9% <br /> <br />Rosevllle city map . <br />I cut out the Roscville portion of the lake. minus the 150' proposed buffer. Regions A,B. and C <br />(potential speed limit zones) were removed to detennine. the % of navigable lake remaining. They <br />arc (to the best of my ability)tbe same as A,B,C above. <br /> <br />Roseville portion of Owasso <br />Roseville minus A <br />RoseviUe minus A + B <br />RnseviHe minus A+R+C. <br /> <br />100% <br />74.1% <br />68.5% <br />61.2% <br />