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PF2000 - PF2999
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7/17/2007 12:15:38 PM
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12/8/2004 1:21:35 PM
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Planned Unit Development
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<br />, <br /> <br />~1r, Mike Falk <br />July 2. 1996 <br />Page .3 <br /> <br />Traffic using the parking area on the east end of the building will travel primarily from the south <br />Lexington A venue driveway. It is our experience that drivers, instead of parking at the parking <br />stalls, will use the area in front of the building. This, coupled with vehicles at the south pump <br />jslands facing south, 'will reduce the area for maneuvering between parked vehicles to a minimum <br />amoun't. <br /> <br />Parking at the'east end of the building and the circulation betv.'een the parking at the building and <br />~H the east property line is adequate. However, the circulation around the and south side of the <br />con\'enience store is minimal for a passenger vehjcle. The turning radius provided at the southwe:--l <br />corner of the building is just enough for a vehicle to maneuver. <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />Storage for the car wash building is minimal. These vehjcles will be stopped directly in front of the <br />ai~le which must be used by most of the traffic using the parking spaces. -If there are two or three <br />whicles ba(,Ked 'up from the car wash, circulation in front of the building is stopped, Becau5>e of the <br />reliance on the south Lexington Avenue driveway, the tight maneu\'ering to the gas pumps and the <br />necessity of tra\elir'f to the east side for parking, site circulation will be \'ery difficult. <br /> <br />The convenience store building is actually in line with a dri\'eway. This means that traffic conlin~ <br />in from the south Lexington A venue driveway must travel diagonally through the area between th.: <br />building and the north side of the driveway. Because of the narrow spacing at the gas pumr' and <br />on the west side of the pump islands. these vehicles will not be in a good position to make the turn <br />to travel to an open pump island. <br /> <br />The dumpster is in a convenient location for a trash vehjcle to drive to it. Ho\\'ever. when the whi('Je <br />leaves. it must back up across the entire front of the building and then travel between the g:.b pump~ <br />to exit. While this is a late night maneuver, it could still be a problem uhless the station is shut down - <br />when the trash is being removed. With the restricted hours, this is possible. <br /> <br />Tank transports must enter from the Lexington Avenue north drive~lay and then exit onto RoseJawn <br />A venue. It is not possible for them to physically turn from eastbound Roselawn A venue onto the <br />site. They must also back up against the north and west curb lines in order t.o keep the RoseJawn <br />A venue driveway open to traffic between the car wash building and the parked truck. The distance <br />will still be slightly more than 20 feet. This will then complicate the tank truck maneuvering to Jeaw <br />the site and turn onto westbound Roselawn Avenue. <br /> <br />Delivery vehicles apparently will either maneuver into the 15 foot wide aisle on the west side of the <br />store blocking it. park illegal in front of the store blocking the pedestrian path between the pump~ <br />and the store or take some of the parking area on the east side. Delivery vehicles will not be able to <br />maneuver around the southwest corner of the building nor v.)1J they be able to reach the south side <br />
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