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<br />Draft 7/25/96 <br /> <br />(Underline means new) <br />(Strikeout means delete) <br /> <br />Ordinance Number <br /> <br />AN ORDINANCE AMENDING CITY CODE SECTION 1104 TO PROVIDE FOR <br />MINOR SUBDIVISIONS <br /> <br />The City Council of the City of Roseville does ordain: <br /> <br />I. <br /> <br />City Code Section 1104.04 (variations and exceptions) is hereby amended as follows: <br /> <br />1104.04 Plattin~ Variations and Minor Subdivisions Exe~pti6fl.: In any case in which the <br />compliance with the provisions of the Title will involve unnecessary hardship and failure to <br />comply does not interfere with the purpose of the platting regulation, tW1> (2) five (5) types of <br />"lari8fte~S minor subdivisions may 61 will be granted: <br /> <br />A. Common Wall D~plex Subdivision, This firM type A common wall duplex minor <br />subdivision may be approved by the City Manager upon recommendation of the P1:1bli~ <br />W6rks Direct6f Community Development Director. The owner applietmt shall file with <br />the Ptlbli~ W6rks Direet61 Community Develo.pment Director three (3) copies of a <br />certificate of survey pre.pared by a re~istered land surveyor showing the traet parcel or lot, <br />~ proposed division, all building and other structures or pavement locations and 88""it <br />applks the 3tIbdY. isi6n. 2 bd6-y-;, a statement that each unit ofthe d6t1bk h6tlS~ d~plex has <br />separate utility connections, This type of minor subdivision ~i8 be limited to the <br />f61loVli~: 1, Where The pr6posed a minor duplex ~division of i8 a parcel in a R-2 <br />District or other zonin~ district which allows d~plexes. alon~ a common wall of the <br />structure and common lot line of the principle structure where the structure meets all <br />reQJ.lired setbacks the common wall proJ}erty line, Within sixty (60) days after <br />awroval by the City Mana.~er. the awlicant for the d~plex common wall minor <br />subdivision shall record the subdivision and the certificate of survey with the Ramsey <br />County Recorder. Failure to record the subdivision within 60 days shall nullify the <br />approval of the subdivision. <br /> <br />~ Where the propos~d diiisi6n. d6~S n.61 a6 8:ftY 6fthe f6ll6wi~: <br /> <br />ft:' Create a ReW bttildi~ sttc. <br /> <br />b: R'CBt1e~ fifty reqt1ir~d s~tbaek in. -,i61ation. 6f ftft). 6rdin.8:ftCe. <br /> <br />J :\char\wp\resoluti\2subdivision.ord <br /> <br />I <br />