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<br />DETAILED RECOMMENDATIONS <br />from <br />THE JAMES ADDITION NEIGHBORHOOD TASK FORCE <br />12/3/97 <br /> <br />1) FOR THE ENTIRE NEIGHBORHOOD <br /> <br />Recommend that the neighborhood remains a residential neighborhood <br />and be improved by mitigating impacts caused by past/future surrounding <br />commercial development and its traffic. The following recommendations <br />focus on methods of mitigating impacts. <br /> <br />2) FOR SOUTHEAST BUSINESS AREA (5.8 ACRES ZONED B-1. B-2) <br /> <br />Recommend rezoning to a residential Planned Unit Development (PUD) of <br />multi-unit senior housing with some restrictions and provide financial <br />incentives. (At least one developer considered the proposed PUD viable <br />and expressed interest.) <br /> <br />a. Provide affordable multi-unit mixed housing with senior housing. <br />b. Limit number of new units to approximately the number of existing <br />homes (176). <br />c. Set restrictions on building desigl1 and ensure it's compatible with <br />neighborhood. <br />d. Limit large multistory buildings to about 3 stories with underground <br />garages. <br />e. Integrate the development with the park to the north. <br />f. Make Snelling Avenue frontage a nice entry, useful transition zone <br />and access. <br />g. Design Oakcrest Avenue to minimize cut thru traffic and speed in <br />neighborhood. <br />h. Make Fry Street frontage a transition zone without high buildings. <br />i. Consider, if reasonable, in the Fry Street transition to include 2 to 4 <br />new homes which could be owner occupied subsidized low income <br />family housing units. <br />j. Consider, if reasonable, for Fry St. frontage to be used for relocated <br />Fairview Avenue homes. <br />k. Provide financial incentives, such as Tax Increment Financing. <br />I. Future comments are possible under the PUD proposal review <br />process. <br /> <br />4 <br />