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<br />3) FOR FAIRVIEW AVENUE AND ADJACENT 14 HOMES <br /> <br />Recommend coordinating County plans for future Fairview Avenue <br />improvements with the neighborhood desire for improved and safer traffic <br />access and for fair treatment of the adjacent homeowners who would be <br />heavily impacted. <br /> <br />If Fairview Avenue is ever widened on the east side, the homes must be <br />removed and the owners fairly reimbursed. The following interim <br />recommendations are based upon information and review to date. Further <br />evaluation is recommended. <br /> <br />_ The vehicle speed on Fairview between "B-2" and "C" should be slowed <br />to reduce rear end accidents. Signage and a slower speed zone are <br />recommended. <br />Add a 5th center turn lane which will widen Fairview about 10 feet. <br />_ Add a neighborhood connection to a stoplight on Fairview near <br />Oakcrest West. <br />_ Review future (2 to 6+ year) plans with neighborhood/Fairview <br />homeowners. <br />_ Purchase all homes adjacent to Fairview because heavy impacts are <br />expected. <br />_ Redevelop the adjacent property into buffer with some housing if <br />possible. <br /> <br />a. County staff would first recommend widening Fairview to add a <br />center turn lane for less interruption of traffic flow and safer access. <br />A County improvement project has not been initiated but would be <br />expected in the future with increased traffic. <br />b. County staff do not recommend Fairview as reduced capacity/width <br />or one-way because of: 1) too high volume already, 2)on a one-way <br />road, a parallel road running in the opposite direction would be <br />needed. <br />c. County staff traffic signal warrant analysis determined that current <br />traffic "warrants" a stoplight with Oakcrest West which that business <br />area would benefit from but has not yet requested. An offset signal <br />will not work because the current gaps are too large with existing <br />Oakcrest east or Rose Place and these intersections would generally <br />be negatively impacted by a stoplight at Oakcrest west. One <br />alternative is to add a Fairview lane for right turns from the <br />neighborhood merging into traffic. <br />The recommended alternative is to provide a neighborhood road <br />connection to the stoplight. Detailed alternatives should be <br /> <br />5 <br />