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<br />8) FOR EXISTING NW STORM WATER PONDING AND CONVEYANCE <br /> <br />Recommend diverting no more storm water to this ponding area, <br />excavating soil to increase its capacity possibly with a shallow open water <br />area and consideration of possible public use such as a walkway. <br />Recommend adding upstream storm water storage and sand traps where <br />possible. <br />Recommend that basement water problems be the responsibility of the <br />homeowners. <br /> <br />a. Determine if an open water area is environmentally sound. <br />b. Maintain the majority of the area in a natural state <br />c. Review future plans with the neighborhood and adjacent <br />homeowners. <br />d. Inspect and maintain the large outlet piping under Co. Rd. C in good <br />condition. <br />e. Inspect and patch leaks in the neighborhood storm water piping in <br />an attempt to mitigate the water problems that have seemed to <br />increase since their installation. <br />f. Consider the purchase of the adjacent lowest house, 1779 Rose <br />Place, if it is damaged by flooding in the future because it has nearly <br />been flooded in past storms. <br /> <br />9) FOR HEALTH AND ENVIRONMEN1 <br /> <br />Recommend that if any contaminated sites are identified in the future they <br />be investigated per MPCA procedures and the results publicized. <br />Information indicates that the neighborhood cancer rate is average and <br />nothing has been found that would be cause for a high cancer rate. <br /> <br />8 <br />