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<br />e. Determine if future Co. Rd. C improvements will result in losing the <br />existing bike path and if so where it can be relocated. Determine if <br />possible for an easement or purchase of some railroad property for <br />it. <br />f. Repair city property fencing and building windows. Consider other <br />improvements including screening. Consider using the building as <br />an artistic painting project. The Task Force previously agreed with <br />the city to acquire this Rehbein/Matheson property and cold storage <br />building. <br />g. Determine who would pay for the added screening. <br /> <br />6) FOR SNELLING AVENUE ADJACENT TO ROSEBROOK PARK <br /> <br />Recommend that, on the west side of Snelling Avenue, near the bike path, <br />the City and the State work to provide partial visual and noise screening <br />(such as evergreens and fencing) from the traffic for the park users, the <br />homeowners on Fry Street, and the new residential PUD. <br /> <br />7) FOR RETAIL AREAS ON THE NEIGHBORHOOD SOUTH BORDER <br /> <br />Recommend that occasional noise and litter problems continue to be <br />worked on and more thorough enforcement of existing codes, if <br />continuous non-compliance with agreed to restrictions. <br />Recommend that night lighting be concealed from view of property owners <br />to the north or reduced to the minimum possible and require that the <br />lighting be contained with down lighting. Rosedale lighting is included. <br />Recommend that bike and walk access be coordinated for the southeast <br />PUD. <br /> <br />a. Consider providing the developments previously agreed to <br />restrictions to the owners and store managers on City letterhead. <br />This has a chance of being posted and passed on to later store <br />managers. <br />b. Recommend a yearly meeting with the managers and adjacent <br />homeowners. <br />c. Address noise problems especially in the early morning close to the <br />fence. <br />d. Address litter problems which seem to be made worse by strong <br />winds. <br />e. Reduce the increased lighting levels by the fence to what was <br />originally provided. <br /> <br />7 <br />