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<br />APPENDIX C <br /> <br />JA\lES ADDITlO:\'\EIGHBORHOOD TASK FORCE <br />Sl'~fMARY OF TASK FORCE CHARGES .-\:\D DELIBER-\ no:\s TO DA TE <br />BY Craig ChrIstenson. Task Force chair. on j I -' q-; <br /> <br />1) GAIN K;\iOWLEDGE <br />Charge What is the current "body of knowledge" regarding the \\ ater. traffic. and land <br />use problems that can be offered to residents and the city') There was a list of 5 points <br />regarding neighborhood positive features. land use. traftic issues, environmental <br />regulations and rights and responsibilities <br /> <br />The Task Force has reviewed the neighborhoods' comments and are personally aware of at <br />least the major issues listed Information has been collected from several sources on these <br />issues Please refer to the attached meetmg notes and the other items belo\.'. <br /> <br />2) RECOMMENDED CHA~GES/I'IPRO\"E'IE~TS <br />Charge What are the specific issues to which changes should be consIdered (e g \\ ater <br />quality improvements. storm water storage or di\ ersion. hours of operatIOn. noise <br />restrictions. traffic lights, controlled access points. etc )1 <br /> <br />Health and Environment <br />Some neighbors expressed concern that there seemed an abnormally large number of <br />neighbors with cancers and questioned if this was true and due to the environment <br /> <br />City staff reviewed this with John Soler, \-IN Dept of Health In summary. he did not feel <br />this neighborhood rate was unusual because in Minnesota an individual has a 50% (usually <br />1 %-5% due to environment) chance of being diagnosed with some type of cancer which <br />makes clusters very common Aging neighborhoods would typically expect more cancers <br />The drinking water is treated. tested and distributed throughout the Sf Paul area and is <br />not considered a factor Air pollution for this area is not considered abnormally high and <br />his records show no toxic waste dumps in the area No further review is anticipated <br /> <br />Storm Water" <br />There are concerns with the CUlTent adequacy and design of the storm water system and <br />retaining ponds There is concern that additional developmentlredevelopment around the <br />neighborhood will exceed capacity, increase flooding onto Rose Place road which has <br />occurred in the past and increase the neighborhood basement water problems <br /> <br />The city is requiring the current new development west of Fairview to install storm <br />ponding instead of draining directly to the storm ponding located in this neighborhood <br />There have been some discussions on how to expand/improve this storm pond and add <br />others upstream Further review is planned <br /> <br />Water in Basements <br /> <br />II <br />