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<br />Quit a few neighborhood l10mt'~ .Ire umkr~rt){1ti 1\' h.J\c' \'\.'~'.I~IL)I1.!I ~I"l'LJnJ\\;jtt'r f'I\)hknl' <br />in basements that often seem unrelall'd It) Iht' hl1u:>t' t'Jt'\ ,j{Jt'n .-\11 ul1kr1l1\\ n nUr1lbt'f ()r" <br />homes do not have sump pumps and dram rile The qut'Stlt111 \\as asked Ifal1.\1hlng ~()uld <br />be done for a neighborhood \\ ide SC1/ullt1n tL1 rhe \\ aler problems <br /> <br />Consultant city review and Task Fora /..1ll1\dt'dgt' ~L1l1tirm thalll1uch l1frhls nall\~ lanJ <br />area was wet Wet areas were tilled \\ ith different types of sods to allow constnl\.'lIon of <br />neighborhood housing in 1956-1957 Clay soils can trap \...ater and cause unpredictable <br />and house-specific water problems If a house has a water problem it is difficult to <br />determine why and appears best resolved by each homeowner :\ neighborhood drain tile <br />system to lower the water table would be expensive. not a benet:t to all homes and like/:. <br />not effective for some homes that need it Further evaluation IS not currentl~' planned <br /> <br />Hours of Operation <br />This neighborhood concern relates to both rraffic and noise This has been brieth <br />discussed for existing businesses and the prop0sed \"alional Tire \\'arehouse <br /> <br />Noise Restrictions <br />The neighborhood is concerned with the current noise level. and potential tuture increased <br />traffic and noise. Spot noise level readings taken in the neighborhood were not <br />uncommonly high, except they \\'ere detinitely higher by Snelling and Fairview Avenues <br /> <br />Traffic in General' <br />Traffic concerns involve several factors The biggest concern is believed to be safe access <br />because of the high and increasing levels 0ftraffic on the Snelling and Fairview <br />intersections of which all three have other features which make them less safe Of all the <br />options discussed the only one that seems a significant improvement is adding a stoplight <br />on Fairview in the future. However. a 4-way intersection at Oakcrest or Rose Place is <br />problematic and in between would require removing homes There is no solution without <br />significant problems. Further ~.:!cussion is planned <br /> <br />Snellina Traffic. <br />Snelling is a MoDOT highway with an average daily traffic count in year 1990 = 35.000 <br />and projected in year 2010 = 45.000. There are fewer accidents than average at the <br />Oakcrest intersection and MnDOT plans to keep the existing limited access intersection <br />for the foreseeable future MnDOT will not allow any changes <br /> <br />Fairview Trafik. <br />Fairvicw is a Ramsey County Road with an average daily traffic count in year 1990 := <br />15,000 and projected in year 20 I 0 = 17,000 Possible small changes for safer access were <br />discussed with Ramsey County. Ramsey"County belie';es an evaluation will support <br />adding a future traffic light and believes it can best be justified with a 4-way intersection <br />which may require roadway realignment in the neighborhood They are doing a traffic <br />study and looking at options which should be done this year <br /> <br />.,.., <br />_.J <br />