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<br />Southeast BUSineSS Area <br />This 5 8 acre area zoned B-1 and B-: buslnt':-:> h,b .; bU~lnt':-:>t's. I'Ings Court. I'nlghts l)f <br />Columbus and HO!\f Oak and Leather \atlC'naJ Tire \\arehouse proposed a sef\ Ice <br />center north of the Knights of Columbus \\ hKh rt'ljlJlfed a condltionaJ use pt'rmit and <br />parking setback variance It \\as obJected to b\ sewral In the neighborhood. as one of <br />several issues. \vhich the City CouncIl addresst'd b\ ISSUIng a moratorium until I I q8 and <br />agreeing to appoint this Task Force to stud~ neighborhood Issues <br /> <br />National Tire Warehouse has discussed with the Task Force their proposed service center <br />and how they plan to mitigate noise and other impacts To their credit it seems to be well <br />thought out and fairly effective and may be able to be further improved This business <br />may be considered a compatible use adjacent to a typical neighborhood However the <br />Task Force concern is related more to this entire business area future impact and options <br /> <br />The neighborhood is understood to be sensitive to a.1d concerned that It is surrounded b\ <br />large business districts and a major road\'.ay and does not \'.ant further buslOess <br />infringement or impacts This southeast busine"s area is understood to be underdewloped <br />and could redevelop further at any time into higher impact uses The Task Force <br />understands that all the existing businesses are either willing to sell or are looking to 010\ t' <br />elsewhere This makes it an opportune time to consider all possible options <br /> <br />The Task Force currently is considering whether this entire business area should be <br />rezoned and redeveloped into some type of senior or similar housing Further analysis and <br />discussions are planned including understanding ~ossible incentives for redevelopment <br />More housing is generally seen as a benefit to the neighborhood Senior housing seems <br />well suited because of the adjacent park and retdil businesses Traffic may be similar to <br />existing levels <br /> <br />4) RECOMMENDATIONS ON ROLES <br />Charge: What role does the public and private sector play in improving/changes to the <br />neighborhood? How should Rosevilles' effort be coordinated with the Count{' <br /> <br />The Task Force has discussed County and City coordination for Fairview Avenue traffic <br />issues Developers interests in viable projects have been discussed and may be further <br /> <br />5) EXPERT HELP <br />Charge: What public "experts" are available to heip the task force? <br /> <br />The Task Force has received help from city staff, county staff, consultants and others <br />Their recommendations and suggestions are typically not clearly listed above <br /> <br />cac/ntfltr 1 . wps <br /> <br />'1- <br />-) <br />