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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,July 21,2014 <br /> Page 17 <br /> relocated to other areas during the grading and construction process, and due to <br /> the nature of those soils, could eventually be compacted to a much smaller area <br /> than suggested in the current grading plan. <br /> Councilmember Etten noted discussion in the RCA regarding tree loss and/or <br /> preservation and impacts over this huge area; questioning the need to remove <br /> trees in order to plow dirt to develop the site for homes, and at what point it was <br /> indicated to leave trees along the wetland. Councilmember Etten opined that, if <br /> trees were disturbed along that wetland, they would eventually have to be re- <br /> moved due to damages during construction. Councilmember Etten questioned if <br /> the purpose for redoing the elevation was due to water quality concerns for homes <br /> to be constructed, or simply to remove soils; and how those two pieces would af- <br /> fect the overall development and tree preservation. <br /> Mr. Lloyd referenced the tree survey as part of Attachment C to the RCA that in- <br /> dicated the trees remaining and those to be removed and species list by size. <br /> Councilmember Etten noted that this brought up recent City Council discussions <br /> as to which trees were or were not preferred. <br /> Mayor Roe noted that revisions to the tree ordinance were currently under discus- <br /> sion; but for purposes of this application, the City Council needed to make their <br /> decisions based on the current tree preservation ordinance. Mayor Roe opined <br /> that the aerial map as displayed showed significant areas of open space that may <br /> help in the overall tree preservation effort as well. <br /> Specific to the anticipated height of the NE berm, after further discussion, it was <br /> determined from map contour lines that it was approximately 908' with an actual <br /> grade increase of 8' to 10'. <br /> Specific to the nature of the soils on the site, Mr. Lloyd deferred to the applicant <br /> when recognized for comment by Mayor Roe. <br /> Councilmember McGehee opined that building an 8' tall berm out of clay was not <br /> a good thing and there would be no growth possible on it, and it would only serve <br /> to shed water toward the homes and/or wetland. If the intent of the berm was to <br /> avoid hauling dirt off-site, Councilmember McGehee agreed with Councilmember <br /> Etten's comment that cutting down trees to heap dirt for no aesthetic reason and <br /> not for preservation purposes was not prudent given the clay soils in Roseville. <br /> Councilmember Laliberte, in looking at the July 9, 2014 Planning Commission <br /> meeting minutes, questioned the assignment of homeowner maintenance to Lots 3 <br /> and 4 for rain garden maintenance; opining that it should be assigned to lots 2 and <br /> 3. <br />