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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,July 21, 2014 <br /> Page 19 <br /> soils for the most suitable use and area with clay soils serving best for foundations <br /> on which structures were placed; and compacted well for those building pads. <br /> Mr. Hanson assured Councilmembers that black soil would be used on top of any <br /> other soils to ensure proper growth and drainage to make these homes as aestheti- <br /> cally pleasing as possible for effective marketing and interest by potential buyers. <br /> While comments were made that the site seemed too low related to the wetland, <br /> Mr. Hanson advised that part of the dirt excavated would be located in the borrow <br /> pit and used to build up building pads to raise them, but in the interim, the soil <br /> had to be stored someplace, and thus the NE berm, not due to intentionally bring- <br /> ing in additional soils to the site; with the developer's intent to use up all the dirt <br /> possible for their various purposes. Mr. Hanson opined that, depending on how <br /> they compacted the soils back in, the NE berm could be smaller than indicated or <br /> even become non-existent; but assured Councilmembers that it would not create <br /> any drainage issues for the wetland or homes. Mr. Hanson further assured that all <br /> drainage issues would be addressed through the rain gardens and contained within <br /> the site itself. <br /> Mr. Hanson opined that the Owasso Boulevard berm would provide a great aes- <br /> thetic approaching the site. <br /> Councilmember Willmus expressed appreciation to Mr. Hanson for the explana- <br /> tion and understood the developer's rationale; but noted that his presentation indi- <br /> cated he would be bringing some materials on site for construction of slabs and <br /> radon mitigation; to which Mr. Hanson agreed. <br /> Mr. Hanson responded to Councilmember Willmus that residual soils would be <br /> used as applicable around the building pads and to achieve finished heights; and <br /> assured that the 908' elevation of the berm as shown on the grading plan would <br /> not be built to that height as plans became more final. <br /> At the request of Councilmember McGehee, Mr. Hanson further reviewed their <br /> intent to address clay soils and mitigate surface drainage; and defined good and <br /> bad soils from the perspective of a builder/developer and their particular uses on a <br /> construction site. Mr. Hanson reiterated that a critical aspect of the building pro- <br /> cess was to ensure for all proper heights and properly sloped water drainage. <br /> In response to concerns expressed by Councilmember Etten as to the 908' height <br /> of the berm, which he found extreme, Mr. Hanson advised that their intent was to <br /> put as much soil into the site as feasible and as a builder he was not going to ac- <br /> cept a high berm; but as a developer he wanted to ensure beautiful yards and <br /> beautiful homes; not to create an aesthetic reflecting a"burial mound." <br /> Specific to gradients of the site adjacent to wetlands and water control during and <br /> after construction as expressed by Councilmember Etten, Mr. Hanson advised that <br /> all water movement calculations now existing were related to current movement; <br />