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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,July 21,2014 <br /> Page 20 <br /> and the developer engineering plan was intended to make sure there was no <br /> change or increase in that water movement, but as hard surfaces were installed <br /> (e.g. roofs, driveways, etc.) calculations would reflect those changes to ensure <br /> there would be no alteration in the direction of water flow. <br /> Councilmember Etten opined that the water may go in the same direction, but it <br /> would certainly have more velocity with the revised grading on the site; and if <br /> heavy rains occurred during the construction process, that water would all glow <br /> into the wetland. Therefore, Councilmember Etten requested assurances that <br /> short-term silt fences were installed; as well as addressing long-term water <br /> movement at a higher rate and appropriate drainage. <br /> Mayor Roe noted that the City required a grading permit that would initiate their <br /> monitoring of the process and any mitigation required. <br /> Mr. Fair responded that with blanket and mulching,better drainage and vegetation <br /> would occur within the first growing year; as well as relocating contaminated <br /> soils and making sure that the site was completely cleaned up, without erosion is- <br /> sues; and providing a much more aesthetically pleasing than its current condition. <br /> Mayor Roe assured Mr. Hanson and Mr. Fair that the City would be monitoring <br /> that as well; and advised that the City was aware of the garage design issue and <br /> would keep their request in mind. <br /> No one appeared to speak for or against this project. <br /> Etten moved, McGehee seconded, approved the proposed Owasso Preserve PRE- <br /> LIMINARY PLAT of the property at 301-303 S Owasso Boulevard; based on the <br /> findings and recommendations of the Planning Commission and detail of the <br /> RCA dated July 21, 2014; subject to a Park Dedication Fee, pursuant to City <br /> Code, Section 1103.07, in the amount of$7,000 prior to the signed Final Plat be- <br /> ing released to Ramsey County for recording purposes; amended (Willmus) to <br /> accept park dedication cash in lieu of land in the amount of$7,000 to be made <br /> by the applicant before the signed final plat is released to Ramsey County for <br /> recording. <br /> Councilmember McGehee suggested addressing the garage design as part of this <br /> approval; with City Attorney Mark Gaughan advising that this would not be legal- <br /> ly applicable to this motion. <br /> City Manager Trudgeon concurred; advising that the developer would need to ap- <br /> ply for a variance to incorporate that design change; however, he anticipated that <br /> the revised ordinance language would come before the City Council for consider- <br /> ation and possible action at their August 11, 2014 meeting. <br />