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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,July 21, 2014 <br /> Page 26 <br /> off, opining that it seemed reasonable to him and only required some fine-tuning. <br /> Mayor Roe opined that it made sense to him to continue looking at the process, <br /> since other costs were already covered through grant awards and WalMart money; <br /> leaving remaining costs to be divided up through and as allowed under the as- <br /> sessment process. <br /> Mayor Roe sought comment regarding any objections to continuing the process. <br /> Councilmember Willmus opined that it needed more discussion before staff was <br /> directed to proceed in this direction. <br /> Mayor Roe asked what would facilitate that additional discussion or what addi- <br /> tional information the City Council would like to see. <br /> Councilmember Willmus responded that he would like additional information as <br /> to whether this assessment process had been used in other areas of the country; <br /> including similar scopes to define the benefit area geographically. Councilmem- <br /> ber Willmus opined that a lot of homeowners would be brought into the mix who <br /> may feel their benefit for extension of Twin Lakes Parkway is negligible. Coun- <br /> cilmember Willmus stated that there were many aspects needing to be looked at; <br /> and he was not yet ready to tell staff this is the direction to go. <br /> Mayor Roe clarified that staff was not looking to move in that direction yet. <br /> Mr. Trudgeon advised that any individual Councilmember input was helpful to <br /> staff; and further advised that he hoped to continue the discussion at the August <br /> 18, 2014 Worksession. If there was additional information, beyond that already <br /> identified and requested, that staff could provide to enhance that discussion, Mr. <br /> Trudgeon advised that it would be helpful for staff to know that. <br /> Mayor Roe suggested inviting property owners to that Worksession as well. <br /> Councilmember McGehee agreed with the requested cost information for apprais- <br /> als from Councilmember Laliberte; including project costs and any development <br /> costs or other items not currently being shown. <br /> Mayor Roe clarified that information request for staff to provide a more refined, <br /> but not yet finished,product. <br /> At the request of Councilmember Laliberte, agreed with by Mayor Roe, staff was <br /> requested to provide tonight's Power Point presentation in that meeting packet, <br /> duly noted by Mr. Trudgeon. <br /> As far as informing property owners of these preliminary discussions, Mr. Trudg- <br /> eon recognized that every meeting was public, but cautioned that this early in the <br />