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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,July 21, 2014 <br /> Page 6 <br /> educational institutions along that extended area to determine their needs and the <br /> role of transit. As part of that working group, Ms. Roth advised that ridership <br /> evaluations and technical concept evaluations would be performed, with participa- <br /> tion by staff in affected communities along Snelling Avenue North. However, <br /> Ms. Roth clarified that there was no timeline for implementation of that future ex- <br /> tension available at this time. <br /> Ms. Roth reviewed the next steps in the process as it moves forward, including <br /> seeking approval by MnDOT for the Snelling Avenue layout and modification <br /> plans: Ms. Roth advised that, while the Roselawn station is not included in these <br /> most recent plans, it did not mean that it was precluded from future construction, <br /> as construction costs were reviewed and could be incorporated into the available <br /> budget and funding. However, Ms. Roth noted that revenues could not grow, and <br /> therefore the intent was to look to tighten versus expanding the scope of the over- <br /> all project. Ms. Roth advised that the final design was intended for completion <br /> this fall for submission to MnDOT; and construction anticipated in the spring of <br /> 2015 and opening by year-end 2015. <br /> Discussion <br /> Councilmember McGehee noted that, when this BRT route along Snelling Ave- <br /> nue was originally planned, the light rail Green Line was not in play. However, <br /> she noted that she was aware of interest from potential riders in her immediate ar- <br /> ea desiring a Roselawn stop to get them to the U of MN Minneapolis campus. <br /> While understanding the rationale in needing a stop by the Job Corps office, <br /> Councilmember McGehee opined that by now having the potential for the BRT to <br /> the LRT it would make a significant difference in ridership being served; and of- <br /> fered her strong support for a station at Roselawn and Snelling Avenues. Coun- <br /> cilmember McGehee stated she was not aware of the financial, shelter costs, <br /> and/or time cost to the line for this stop, she noted the number of riders of which <br /> she was aware who currently relied on walkers or were otherwise handicapped, <br /> opining that this station and ten minute service would be an opportunity for those <br /> riders to have appropriate shelter versus the current bench situation. <br /> In addition, since the BRT line will mix with arterial traffic, Councilmember <br /> McGehee questioned how those buses could or would control traffic signals along <br /> Snelling Avenue. <br /> In addressing Councilmember McGehee's comments related to connection to the <br /> Green Line, Ms. Roth advised that ridership forecasts had been included in the <br /> planning process, and while current ridership was expected to increase, the cur- <br /> rent low density of riders in the Roselawn area didn't not indicate the need now or <br /> in the future—with projections out to the year 2030—for providing a station there <br /> even with rail service in place. <br />