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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,July 21,2014 <br /> Page 5 <br /> Ms. Roth provided an overview of the BRT A-Line along Snelling Avenue, one <br /> of twelve planned arterial BRT lines in the metropolitan area, running these buses <br /> in mixed traffic with other vehicles with an overall total budget for the project at <br /> $25 million; and intended for initial launch in 2015. Ms. Roth advised that the <br /> goal was to provide faster service and more attractive facilities on highest rid- <br /> ership transit routes; and in this case, building upon the strong ridership for the <br /> Route 84 service on Snelling Avenue, with current ridership documented at over <br /> 4,000 rides/day. <br /> Ms. Roth noted that the intent was to provide service in the most cost-effective <br /> and timely manner possible, similar to that of the rail-like experience stations on <br /> clearly-delineated platforms set off the curb lines. Ms. Roth noted that Route 84 <br /> would continue to run along Snelling every thirty minutes, with the BRT service <br /> supplementing that, with stations placed every half-mile based on ridership de- <br /> mand, and available every ten minutes. In order to facilitate this speedier service <br /> and make it more functional, Ms. Roth advised that passengers would utilize a <br /> "pre-boarding fare payment,"rather than paying upon boarding. <br /> Ms. Roth briefly reviewed the current design process underway; and the most re- <br /> cent rationale and recommendations deferring the previously planned Roselawn at <br /> Snelling station. Following extensive preliminary planning and public infor- <br /> mation and open houses held over the last few years, Ms. Roth reported that those <br /> comments had indicated a consistently higher ridership at Hoyt-Nebraska and <br /> serving the Job Corp office and other destinations in that area; and supported by <br /> average daily boarding activity comparisons from 2010 — 2014. Therefore, Ms. <br /> Roth advised that revised feasibility studies addressed citing of a station at that <br /> location versus a station at Roselawn and Snelling, even though at the 1/2 mile <br /> mark, but having very low demand documented for ridership, making it hard to <br /> continue justifying the Roselawn location. Ms. Roth noted that the revised plan, <br /> and station located at Hoyt-Nebraska would serve ten times as many people than <br /> both current north and southbound riders using the Roselawn stop. <br /> Ms. Roth advised that, during the planning process, she had shared preliminary <br /> plans to-date at that time with the Roseville Public Works, Transportation and <br /> Environment Commission in April of 2014; in addition to the four open houses <br /> held by the Metropolitan Council in May that included the revised plans; with that <br /> revised plan approved by the full Metropolitan Council earlier in July of this year. <br /> Ms. Roth noted that, also based on public comment received during this planning <br /> process, not only did participants express a strong confirmation for this new direc- <br /> tion; but also, for consideration in the near future of expanding the northern Snel- <br /> ling Avenue BRT north of Rosedale and up to the TCAAP redevelopment area in <br /> Arden Hills. Given the public interest and support for that expansion, Ms. Roth <br /> advised that Metropolitan Transit anticipated preliminary studies this summer <br /> with kick-off meetings for the public, and to consult with primary employers and <br />