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<br />I <br />'.___Paschke, Thomas <br /> <br />From: <br />Sent: <br />To: <br />subject: <br /> <br />Dunn Angela [Angela.Dunn@Cop~amsey.MN.US] <br />Monday, January 24,2000.2:50 , <br />'thomas. <br />2125 N. Hamline Ave. <br /> <br />Dear Mr. Paschke, <br /> <br />Greetings! Per our conversation last week, I am wri.ting a letter exp~es~~gN <br /> <br />the p<;>sitiAon of mRy hU~lbl andM'yp~~~~~~:inde:f ;~~~~~~~ ~~~ ~r~~% ;n Hamline <br />Hamhne ve., osevl e. Th h . eventy Years <br />in early 1997 from my father-in-law, Larry.Du~n. e. ouse IS s <br />old being one of the original farm properties In Ros~vllle. When wek th h <br />purchased the property we imn:'edia~ely began drawing plans to. ma e e ouse <br />better suited for our lifestyle. Little did we kno~ that when, the Side b k <br />street, Burke Ave was put in next to the hous~ In the 1950 s, our .set ac <br />was reduced to approximately 15.feet. We.~ld not understand this concern <br />until we applied for a permit to bUild an addition unto the back of the . <br />property. We were told at that time that a vari.ance would be neede~ In <br />order to grant a building permit. w.e be~an this endea~o~ by app.eahn~ to <br />four of our neighbors for what I beheve IS termed. as a minor variance. <br />We were successful in attaining two of the four signatures ~e needed. Of <br />the other two neighboring properties, Harry Lockrem a~d Linda Lange, the <br />residents of the property adjoining ours on the west, said .they wou!d only <br />sign for a minor variance if we signed an agreement making a portion of our <br />property ( 10 feet X 130) a conservation easement. This easement would have <br />to be included on the title of our property and passed to any future buyers <br />of the property. The other option we were given by them is to sell a <br />portion of our oversized lot to them so she could make a garden. We refused <br />any such offer and they refused to sign for the minor variance. <br />Thus, we began the major variance process. Much to our dismay this process <br />was very costly and time consuming. We also had the very unpleasant <br />experience of having to fight tooth and nail with these particular neighbors <br />regarding our property. Mr. Lockrem and Mrs. Lange (husband and wife) <br />describe the root of their discontent to have been the driveway on our <br />property that extends behind our garage unto Burke Ave. <br />In 1997, the driveway was non-conforming because it was not hard surfaced. <br />We had planned to hard surface the driveway that first year we owned the <br />property, during the other renovations. The driveway is only non-conforming <br />because of the surface situation. It is the appropriate distance from the <br />property line. The Lockrem/Lange family was unhappy with this driveway <br />because they say they were told buy my father-in-law that he would never put <br />a driveway in that location. My father-in law does not substantiate this <br />conversation however. A curb cut was made by the city crew during <br />re.nova.tion of Burke Ave sometime in the 1980's. There is not any record of <br />this being done. However, I have been told that the foreperson of this crew <br />was a woman and recollect by personnel at the city engineering department <br />substantiate this claim. One of my neighbors told me that she remembers <br />this woman working on our curb-cut herself. I believe it may have been a <br />in-field decision. I only bring up this point to reiterate that a city <br />sponsored crew put in this curb cut. <br />The city granted us a variance to update the property. Three conditions <br />were included. Interestingly enough, not a single condition stemmed from <br />the actual addition to the house. All three had to do with the driveway and <br />the neighbors. In the interest of harmony the one condition required a <br />six-foot privacy fence to be erected between the properties. Plantings were <br />required also. It was also required that the driveway be hard surfaced and <br />no more that 10 feet in width at the west portion. All of the above <br />conditions were meet before October of 1997. One condition, however, was <br />not met. We were to fill in the curb cut to 12 feet in length. <br />We realized immediately after the variance was granted that this final <br />condition was going to create a hardship for us. This hardship exists for <br />several reasons. First, of all the contractors we had look at the property <br />only one would do the project. The contractors were extremely weary of <br />doing the project because it was on municipal property. Second, the one <br />contractor who would do the project wanted to charge us $3,000. We could <br />not afford that fee nor could we understand how a cement project that was <br /> <br />1 <br />