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<br />FROM B&~ FAX 612-334-8650 VOICE 334-8520 <br /> <br />(MaN) 08, ]]' 97 12:39/ST. 12:37/NO. 356029247] P 4/12 <br /> <br />B. For pedestrian access upon such exterior sidewalks aDd pedestrian access ways <br />as may from time to time, exist upon the Rosewood Property and the Nelson <br />Property. Such sidewalks and pedestrian access ways may, from time to time, <br />be construCted, razed, reconstructed, and relocated so long as reasonable <br />access to such parking areas remains folIowing any such actions. <br /> <br />C. For the parking of automobiles upon the parking areas from time to time <br />existing upon the Rosewood Property and the Nelson Property. <br /> <br />2. Term. This Easement shall continue for a minimum period of ten (10) years <br />commencing on April 28, 1997. Ei.ther party may terminate this Agreement effective on any <br />date OJ] or after April 28, 2007, by giving notice of termination (the "Termination Notice") <br />to the other party and to the City of RoseVJ11e (the "City") at least one year in advance of <br />the date of termination specified in the Termina.tion Notice. The Easement shall be <br />discharged of record by the filing of an affidavit on behalf of the terminating party, to which <br />sbaH be attached tbe Termination Notice, and which shall state that the Termination Notice <br />\Vas duly served on the other party and on the City of Rosevi1le in accordance with the <br />provisions of tm Agreement. <br /> <br />3. Obstruction and Interference. Rosewood and the successors an.d aSjligns of <br />Rosewood, may make such use of the driveways, roads, sidewalks, pedestrian access ways <br />and parking areas located upon the Rosewood Property as does not unreasonably interfere <br />with the rights granted in this Agreement. Nelson and the successors and assigns of Nelson, <br />may make such use of the driveways, roads, sidewalks, pedestrian ac.cess ways and parking <br />areas located upon the Nelson Property as does not unreasonably interfere with the rights <br />granted in this Agreement. AIl parties covenant that the driveways, roads, sidewalks, <br />pedestrian access ways and parking areas that a,re subject to the easements granted in this <br />Agreement shall not be obstructed except as may be reasonably necessary, on a temporary <br />basis, for maintenance, repair, reconstruction or other reasonable and necessary and/or <br />appropriate purposes. <br /> <br />4. Running of Be.nefits and Burdens. AIl provisions of this instrument, including <br />the benefit and burdens, shall be deemed to run with the land and are bindjng upon and <br />shan inure to the benefit of the heirs, assigns, successors and legal representatives of the <br />parties hereto. <br /> <br />5. Termination of Covenant Liability. Whenever a transfer of ownership of any <br />parcel (or any part thereof) takes place, liability of the transferor for breach of covenan.t <br />occurring thereafter shall automatically terminate (provided only that tbe tramferee assumes <br />such )jabilities thereafter occurring, subject to the provisions of this paragraph). <br /> <br />6. Constructicn of Easement Imt7rovcIIJ.ents. Rosewood agrees that it shall, on <br />or before . 1997, construct those improvements (the "Easement <br />Improvements'~ listed on Exhibit C attached hereto at its sole cost and expense, and in <br />accordance with aU applicable codes, ordinances and regulations. <br /> <br />795~ .3 <br /> <br />2 <br />