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<br />Subd. 4. PROPERTY LOCATED 1:'-1 TAX INCREMENT FISANCING DIS- <br />TRICTS. The gnveming hody of a governmental subdivision mOl>' not ~ into ~ prop- <br />erty tax abaiCment agreemen: uiidcr sections 469.1812 to 409.1815 ~ the property ~ \0- <br />caiCd in a tax increment financing district. <br />---- <br />Suhd. 5. NOTICE AND PUBLIC HEARING. (a) The governing body ~!!!.: <br />political suhdivision may approve an abatement under sections 4()lJ.l:>12 ~ 469.1815 <br />onlyaJIer holding a public hearing on the abatement. <br />---.---- <br /> <br />(b) Notice of the hearing must be published in ~ newspaper of general circulation in <br />the political subdlVISJonatICast once more than ten days but less than 3D days ~ the <br /> <br />hearing. The newspaper must he one of general interest and readership in the community, <br />and not oncof limih:d suhject matter~~papCiniustbe published aiTeast once per <br />week. The notice must indicate that thcgoveming body wiliConsider granting a property <br />iaX"ai1.;jCjllCiil;1(fc!1iiiY the property or properties for which ..~Ciii1SUi1dcr consid- <br />eration, and the tOlal estJii'~I)iJnt of the ahatement:" -- <br /> <br />Suhd.6. DURATION LIMIT. (a) A political subdivision other Ih..n a school dis- <br />trict m..y grail I .111 ..h;llel11enl for a perioliio longer than ten TheSUbdiViSIOil may <br />specify in the al~emenl resolulioliasiiillicr ~)iil7liicrcsoiu"trondoes nol specify a <br />period liftil11e, the ..ball:l11el1l is for eight years. I f an ahatement has been granted 10 a par- <br />cel of pn)perty and the periodoflhe:;t);jiCrTiCiilhas expired, the polli1Cai Siii)(i]ViSlOiiiilai <br />gr..iiied the uh;ilcn1Ciii may 01;( grant ..nother ahateliiCiitiOr eight after the expira- <br />tion of Ihe first ..halemel1t. This pruilihitTOiilioes not ..pply tOTiiiPffivCrTlcOts 3d(jed after <br />..nd mIl suhjeet ~ the first at);!emenl. - - - - <br /> <br />(h) A school, district may gran! an ..hatement for only one ye..r at a lime. Once a <br />scho("J(IfS"trk1l)";;S aUIIWizeJ an ahalement fllr aproperly. it "iiiaymuihoriZCihe abate: <br />OIenl in any slills~lll(:nt year f,;[ihe next seven years. or nine-years i r provideJ in Ihe orig- <br />inal ail:,iCiii.:.Ii-;gITcm~ll~;rli1s rr.)TiJi";lI~\eS nlll i"iPPlYlOIi1ififZ,\,emcnts adJcd after <br />and ~ suhjc~ ~!-IIIC -;lrig~I.'.:.I~ aGaleOlenl a~r;:"Cfn-;:j1t.- - - <br /> <br />Suhd.7. HEVIEW AND MOIJJFICATIO~ OF ABATEMENTS. The political <br />suhdlVlSlOilnlay provide in Ihe ahatel11enl resolution Ihat the ahatement mayfi(i(I;cmodi- <br />fied or changed lIuring its krm. If the ah:i!eOlent reso)lj"ih1O docs no! provide Ihallhc <br />:if);ieIi1~n~ile mOllified ofCiiailgeJ,' Ihe governing hody of the political subdivi- <br />sion ma~ revic\~~nJmIlJlry IhC";,halement every second year :iller ~ was "pp~ <br /> <br />Suhd. X. Ll1\lITATION ON ABATE1\IENTS. In any year, the lolal "mount of <br />property 1;;Xc.~ ahateJ hy a pol it ical suhdivision under IhfS" section maymlt exceed (I) five <br />percent ~ific ~iirr~~-~vy-:- ~ (2)$iTiO,om[\\,iilCiiCvcr~ greate~---- <br />