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<br />, <br /> <br />Sec. 47. H69.111141 BONDlI"'G AUTHORITY. <br /> <br />Suouivisiol1 I. A UTI I ORITY. A political suodivision may issue oonds or other ob- <br />ligations 10 prO\'ij~ an :Jmounl equ:Jlto the sum of the aoatemcntsgran""iCdlOrapropCriY <br />under section 461).1 iIT3. The miiXliilum priri"CTPaTamount of these bonds may not exceed <br />iiiCCStTiiiaiCli SUi" of the ahiJtcments for the prope~tiC years 3liii1Org TIicbOiidS <br />may be general ohllgationsoflhe political su~n if the govemingbody~thepoliti- <br />cal suodivisiol1 elct.ts to pledge the full faith anu credit of the subdivision in the resolution <br />issuing the hOl1us. -------- <br /> <br />Subd. ~ BONI> COI>E APPLIES. Chapter 475 applies ~ the obligations autho- <br />rized oy this section, except bonds are excluded from the calculation of the net debt limit. <br /> <br />Subd. 3. MUNICIPAL ISSUE FOR COMIHNED ABATEI\IENTS. If two or <br />moreporriical subdivisions decide to grant abatements for the same property, the nluiiiCi- <br />pality in which the property is located may issue bonds to provide an amount equal to the <br />SUrTiOfi~icments for each of thcJUr'iScilCilOi1Siii:itagrees. ThegovCriifiigbody of <br />each of the other jurisdiCtionsmustguarantee and pledge to pay iiiiiiually to the munici- <br />palitythe aii10iJiit of the ahatement. This pledge an<rgUaraniCcTsa bindingobTigatioii01 <br />the poITiTcaiSiihdiVlSJOn and must be included ~ the abatement feSOiliiTOn. <br /> <br />Subd.4. BONDED ABATEMENTS NOT SUBJECfTO REVIEW. If bonds are <br />issued ~ provide advance payment ~ abatements under this section, theamount ~ <br /> <br />abatement is not subject to periodic review by the political subdivision under section <br />469.1813, SiibdTviSiOil'f. - - - - - - - <br /> <br />Subd.5. USE OF PROCEEDS. The proceeds of bonds issued under this section <br />may be usedto (1) pay for public improvernents that benefit thepropCrty,(2) ~ acquire <br />and convey land ~ other property, ~ provided under this section, (3) to reimburse the <br />property owner for the cost of improvements made ~ the property, ~ (4) ~ pay the costs <br />of issuance of thCbonds. <br /> <br />----- <br /> <br />Sec. 48. [469.1815] ADMINISTRo\TIVE. <br /> <br />Subdivision 1. INCLUSION IN PROPOSED AND FINAL LEVIES. The politi- <br />cal subdivision must add to its levy amount for the current year under sections 275.065 <br />and 275.07 the total CStfn1:iicd amount of aliculTcnt year abai"emciliS granted. The tax <br />amounts shown on the proposeJi1olTCC unJCr ScCiioi1lli065, subdivis~d on the <br />property tax staten1ent under section 276.04, subdivision 2, are the total ~ before <br />~ction of any abatements that will be granted ~ the property. <br /> <br />Subd.2. PROPERTY TA.XES; ABATEMENT PAYMENT. The total property <br />taxes shall 6C levied on the property and shall be due and payable to the county ~ the <br />iimCs provictedUiidCr section 279.0 L The political SUbdivision will paylile '"ii'ba:iCinenilO <br />the property owner, lessee, orareprescni:iiiVC01 the bondholders, as provided by the <br />abatement resoluti()n~ - - - - - <br />