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<br />03/14/2000 TUE 15:33 FAX 612 338 3275 S~e1nDes1gn <br /> <br />Ja/UU~/UU<:: <br /> <br />s ,:.,'1 .N D E- S T G. N <br /> <br />~Ioil Plan/ling ClI\CI DniS" <br /> <br />. MEETING NOTES #S <br /> <br />< , <br />RE " <br />. . <br /> <br />Bradle)' ~Qal :Estate <br />Rose.vWe Cente~ <br />'Ro~ilJCt ~ <br /> <br />. ,. <br /> <br />, - <br /> <br />. EXTERiOR UPGRADE. . <br /> <br />. , <br /> <br />ATTEND~G':' . D~ W~~ch,'; B~~ bon MIDlSOD, thomaS Pasch,ko, DIi~ Sch,Qnz.'Cuy <br />. . ofRosev.i1le (651 490-2931ft). . . <br />Gmy Domino, Mark DotDiIro - G.A. Domino Conltl'; (651 7~4.791i> iX): ' <br />Scott Smith m'(4SS1 6)1~~253 ex) , . '. <br />. Tim Prinsen '. BRE {6S1 697-~ J 1 fx) <br />Jeffiey P. Agnea AlA '- SteinDes~ (612 33,S-327S' fx) . '. <br /> <br />. . <br /> <br />. PROJECT #.: <br />DATE: <br /> <br />96-13-6-, , <br />March 14, ,2000 <br /> <br />. I.. .. .~. <br />. " : . ,'. ", A meeting waS held on Tuei;d8y, Mai:ch 14~ 2~O, <br />J 0:45 tlJ,e' City ofRo~vil1e, ~garding the ,above'.project. ,The (ollowing. items .w~ 4iscussed and <br />addressed as note!:!: " ' .' <br /> <br />, . <br /> <br />!IeM' <br />. 1. . <br /> <br />I\C110N COMMENTS <br />1NFplCI1Y .' . Per Domino, Jan~ping is eomplete except for pJamera at signs.. City .' <br />,to verIfY compiet{oJI. ' . . . <br /> <br />. , <br /> <br />. '. <br /> <br />2. <br /> <br />'INFOIBRE <br /> <br />. Pe~ previ~ Iileelingwith City, ~'elim~tio.n Qfp~'at.~tcr . , <br />tower- is ac.ccptBble if~ plamcis lITO used throa&hout and the ' , .' . <br />amount of plantmis.1s lite .same' or more. Sc:btt"to provide City (Cathy) , <br />,with proposed'p.laD.ter' ~tsbeets.an41ocations. . . . <br /> <br />'.. . . <br />3.. . . . ~O/CITY:'. ',C~\1OUS pedestrian accW bas been ~dec:l per plan 1tom street <br />sidC":alk to center. City to verily completion. . <br /> <br />.' <br /> <br />.' 4. <br /> <br />INFO <br /> <br />The canopy column brick. enelosura ~ reduced in width' . ' <br />'.apPJ\'Iximately In half (depth remained the ~e) froDUbe ~inal <br />,preliminarY rencicirmg. The oriJinal iwumptiOll'that the existing. _ <br />. columns c::01,l1d handle 1be'lddftionil,briQ( BOd.Jiew sa~:.metal <br />load was chaIJ.tnPd'when site demo revea10d UJW\ticipated variation : <br />in. exisring'c:olumn footings. (some. 12", some 18", some round, some <br />square, aepdt "*ti~on . '. . <br /> <br />. . <br /> <br />.... <br /> <br />, Keepin&.the wider. enclosure. would not b,e reas~nable since it would <br />require new foothigs at'each r;olWn~ ",ould greatly dis.n1,pt.tenantund <br />n~~essitate costly. an~ extensive shor~g up ofexi~ canopy",hUe . <br />430 EOiral AVen~ N~nh, Suire 6.40 <br />. Mi/lneapoli., MN 55.401 <br />.' 61'. 338 3339 <br />612338327.5fax . <br />..- slcinclsgnOaol,com <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />. " <br />