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<br />03/14/2000 TUE 15:34 FAX 612 338 3275 StelnDeslgn <br /> <br />I4J 002/902 <br /> <br />2 . :. <br />'03/J412000 <br />Meetirig'N'otes is' (1306nOS) <br />EXTBRIOR-UPGRADE ' <br />Rbsevillc' Center <br />, ROsey~~le;MN -', <br /> <br />. , <br /> <br />'BRE <br /> <br />.5, . <br /> <br />6. . . <br /> <br />.DOM <br /> <br />, . <br /> <br />.7, . <br /> <br />BRE <br /> <br />. , <br /> <br />r <br /> <br />3. ' <br /> <br />" INFO <br /> <br />.9. . <br /> <br />, INFO <br /> <br />10. .' <br /> <br />:.sD <br /> <br />. 11.. <br /> <br />so <br /> <br />12.. <br /> <br />INFO <br /> <br />.' <br /> <br />. , <br /> <br />, '. <br /> <br />. , <br /> <br />'. <br /> <br />'. <br /> <br />"" . <br /> <br />,. <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />, , <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />. . wolk was &einl don~. (~ince the towers' requ~ ~ew (oOtiqgs <br />. . !fegardJess. the lOwer width remained qJ.e ~e.) " .' <br /> <br />The redaCtion'~ width alloWs the use c:ifthe existing "footings by . <br />.restit1g dJrectly onto the existiq fQ6tings with no additional weight 'of <br />, . ,:. ': suPPortminiera1; aOd'miDima1'_o~ddisn1pti~n.~~8I1ts,' ~ ... " <br />. 'column will ha~ an expansion jo~t s~a to lessen po.ten~1 of <br />~ra:ckiDg of sidew~ ~to ~.) . . . <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />, . <br /> <br />, . ' <br /> <br />. '. pn)vidlS CItY (Catby) 'With total project com for Rose~Jlie <br />, eenicr, sejtarated.inr~ ~ two eft'qrts'(TacO Bell/Site.and .Exterior . <br />Building). , ' <br /> <br />. . <br />,DomiDo to Provide City (Cathy) with simples Qf 'JQorOsea1 fini,h, <br />metal ~e Pau!!1, painted sDmdiDg ~ ttuul ~f. .Bride, bl~.. <br />, and skybluc -painted.li1etiJ Will nuitch new TaCo BeI.1 building. <br />'. ". .. . <br /> <br />.'. . <br /> <br />. .',., . . <br />Per.aaCccm~t, BRE.COIitinues to,.m. the etron to.COI1v~n sepllJate' '. <br />. . trash. bins' into Combined ~ewa1s and .I1CW leases come up, <br />Per. tim' PriJisem, .the effort bas met limited succeu to _ due,in Iwge' <br />. . ' part to' coljlorate. multiple tc:nmt location ~~ents w.itJi trUh , <br />. ' removal firms. <br /> <br />, . Per,Domino~ 1ijhipo.Ics have'yet to ,be painted., <br /> <br />. Exis~g SnYdCr'$ roof sign is ~ be.~v~ as'part of the e:)(torlor <br />, renovation.' <br />" <br /> <br />, , <br /> <br />SteinDcsign to piovIde ~ (~) 'With ~ tbw.ings'iIi1d -stats on <br />PrIon .signs ~ ma~ Jatut ~p; <br /> <br />, . '. <br /> <br />'~reiDDesign to prOvide C~~.(cIttay) ~jth color ~py .of'StemPesi~ <br />" marketing piKe showing before ad .aftercomputer rendering' , . <br />presented at nieeting. . ' <br /> <br />, . <br /> <br />Per:Deunis. ~o easement, I.' ~vi~ by Scott ~mitb is accePubI~. <br /> <br />. . <br /> <br />'. ' <br /> <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />< ' <br /> <br />. .. . . ..... <br />(These, minutes are considered to be correct intcrpretatio 'of items disc:ussed. ;Any errors or omissions . <br />'mu${ be noted on ,or before the next meeting or.will be Be ." is ~.) . ': .' <br /> <br />.' <br /> <br />, " <br /> <br />, , <br />