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<br />J&T Rehab. Services <br /> <br />TEL:612-628-6917 <br /> <br />Feb 10 98 <br /> <br />16:19 No.003 P.Ol <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />P J:" Z<1E,S <br />Ager1Jo. ];f&n (Po.. <br /> <br />February 9, 1998 Pag~ 1 of 3 <br />Faxed to Roseville City Planner 490-2931,return fax to <br />628-6917 ATTN: Frank Tekautz, acknowledging receipt, <br />\PI c.J. requested. <br /> <br />n~J:" As a neighbor to the proposed concrete crush/b<ltr.hing I <br />~~ must say that 1 am adamantly opposed to this for <br />...,,1. "ft\ several reasons, including health, safety and <br />environment, which I will delineate followjng the <br />. DfO outline of each paragraph of the Project Description; <br />A"bil'. '~ except for my first concern which is that vou failed to <br />-\vr .~\, ive ro er . earin notic,. On the bottom of <br />'~Io.. - e 5 eet, you mentione a mal. ing date of January <br />~\~ 29,1998;but the envelope in which 1 received the sh8et <br />~~. _ _~ date stamped February 6,1998. <br /> <br />~ ~ ~~aragraPh 1.) The area is already going to be sllbj ected <br />~ -~~ oJ7 "!f,;. .J, noise and environmental pollution from the grinding <br />OJ"...u.. ,JfYof trees and stumps. That should be more than enough <br />~\,}J'".-_...&\ for one neighborhood. Your plan to further denigrate <br />~ ~~- our area is, to me, analogous to a person, who upon <br />~_ ~ encountering the recent victim of a violent <br />_.~~ ~~. robbery, steals the victim's overlooked watch because <br />V'" ~ " what is one more small problem when they have aJ r.eady <br />~ >IJU been victimized so severely." <br /> <br />~' Paragraph 2.) I.Public health- I grew up in.a sm~ll <br />town with a concrete plant several bJocks [rom my home <br />and only too well remember the clouds of fine concrete <br />dust that was carried by the Southwest~rn prevailing <br />summer winds across our homes, cars, gardens, laundry and <br />into our lungs and eyes as we children played outdoors. <br />1 do not want my health further impaired. Your comment <br />about having water for dust control is absurd. Once the <br />60,000 metric tons of dust and rubble is crushed and <br />"stockpiled" it. will dry out and we will suffer the <br />same covering of grit and grime that people who live <br />just Northeast of Downtown St. Paul have suffered for <br />many years as the wind blows over those stockpiles of <br />concrete rubble. <br />