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<br />center. These include the level of City indebtednes~. and the time required for planning <br />of the project. Because the City judiciously manages finances to maintain an AA bond <br />rating, the earliest opportunity for construction of a community center, without other <br />creative solutions, would be approximately 2001-2002. <br /> <br />RECOMMENDA nONS: As a result of this thorough consideration of the issue of a <br />community center, the Commi~ee concluded that the time is now appropriate for <br />the initiation of planning for the design, financing and construction of the <br />Roseville Community Center. <br /> <br />The specifics of both components and location should be detennined by a citizen <br />committee with input from the larger community by way of a community survey. <br />This committee should be appointed and planning should commence In 1998. <br /> <br />FUNDING BACKGROUND: To minimize the need for bond financing, creative financing <br />will be necessary to accomplish all the highly desirable projects recommended in this <br />report. Public-private partnerships are a viable creative financing option in addition to <br />use of revenues gained from disposal of the Arona site. <br /> <br />FUNDING RECOMMENDA TION: Partial funding for the community center could be <br />from the sale or leasing of the Arana site, balance of the TlF bond pool, revenue <br />from community center rental incomet and private public sector partnerships <br />such as a fitness center or restaurant. The balance of the funding should be from <br />a new bond issue. <br /> <br />B) ARONA SITE <br />BACKGROUND: The Arana site has served since 1991 as the Parks and Recreation <br />Department offices and as the Roseville Activity Center. The facility has been heavily <br />used for a number of different types of community activities and for meeting space for a <br />number of community org::mizations. However, the building is old and in need of <br />extensive repairs and no longer meets community needs. Replacement of roof, <br />windows, furnace and carpet are estimated at approximately one million dollars. Both <br />the location of the Arona building and its current state of deterioration dictate that <br />significant expenditures should not be made to repair it. <br /> <br />RECOMMENDA nONS: The current Roseville Activity Center site should be sold <br />or leased for redevelopment except for that portion required per the park <br />dedication ordinance. Only maintenance essential for health and safety reasons <br />should be performed on the present Arona building. <br /> <br />Because of the likely delay between the disposal of the Arona site and the <br />completion of a replacement facility. interim space for all activities at the Arona <br />site must be planned now. <br /> <br />12 <br />