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<br />01/27/1998 1&:12 <br /> <br />&124841903 <br /> <br />GARY MCLEAN INC <br /> <br />PAGE 04 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />, , <br /> <br />I Ill' , \ "'" ,ill' ,on oj P I oJ" \,' ;(). h(1 r), "..le.n "T~ all a I., lIulll., ,'( '1"' n <br /> <br />OctDber 1992 <br /> <br />12251 Tech Road, SUver Spring, Maryland 20904 <br /> <br />(301) 622.1900 <br /> <br />Environmental Factors Making <br />Lenders Cautious <br /> <br />In Regulatory and Legislative Bulletin No.6, "EnviJon- <br />mental Factors Ie Consider with Plant Location!!," We <fis,. <br />cuased thoso ractors associated with buying. dJycleartin8 <br />plant as well u state property transfer requitesnenb and the <br />willingness of financial institutions to make Ioa.ns to the <br />cbvdl!l!.Nng industry. <br />Since we last dl!ICUSsed the;" jssues, th" legal ramifications <br />involved with buying and selling commercial property, due <br />Ie ~vironmentBl factors, has contU\ueQ to incf@3se Clnd hAs <br />become, at best, clouded with confusion. Federal and state <br />regulations spurred by the 1980 Comprehensive Environ- <br />mental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act <br />(CERCLA). better known as "Superfund," has raised the <br />publlc'. aWllreness of the environment. <br />With Superfund'lIlItnmg grasp, we know that e\<1lll hazardous <br />W'O!Ites which were legally di9~ of in landfilla Yell.r.I ago can <br />come back to haunt you If the landfill b<<omes II Superfund <br />cleanup site. Additionally, the courts have made decisiON that <br />have made unsuspecting, Innocent buyers of contaminated <br />property alto potentially responsible for cleanup. The courts <br />have alto decided, in some CB!Ie5, that institutions. <br />such as banks and mortgage !enda'S. 900uJd shIN the cost for <br />the cleanup of a businQS!! even though ttwy had no actual <br />manag~ent control of that business. This !Ie1'ious trend <br />makes lenders cautious, many times restricting them from <br />lending money In bustru~sses thllt Wie potentially hazardous <br />materiw. <br />Many 90U and ground wlitl!!r contamination cases that <br />have involved dryc1eaners, !!Specially thoJe using per- <br />chloroethylene (pen:), have forced the drycleaner to pay tor <br />the entire cleanup cmt even Ittougll other indusbies also use <br />pert, and pert ill available In commercial pt'Oducts which <br />J1UIy have also contributed to the contamination. <br />Finally, while the property contaminamd (by chemiclils <br />such. u perc) can usually be cleaned up, current It!Vcls are tet <br />so low that it generally takes not weeks or months, but. in <br />many cases, years for ~mplete site remediation. <br />In this buUet:iJ'l. we will look at some of th'" C!Jwironmental <br />lacten to consider when buying, selling, at amsidoring a Joan <br />lor . dtyclsanin8 plant. <br /> <br />The Issue of Money <br /> <br />It wall not that long ago that the only thing that pNvented <br />a buyft from obtaining a loan was their ability to repay il U <br />you were selling your bUSineSl, the biggest concem was <br />getting a fair price. and hopefully II large down payment <br />Whon it was tima to purchase equip[1\@f\t, you went to the <br />bank (the same bank you had been doing business with for <br />yurs) and asbd them for II 1000n based &c the strength of <br />your bU!lioeBII. for many of us, these are the trBditionBJ and <br />10giCIII approadws to business financing and the method by <br /> <br />which past genst'll~OIU hav" handkld buy~ and Belling <br />plants and equipment pUrchli5eS, <br />Today's business climatl! Is changing /'\Pt only are finan- <br />cial inlltitutions faiUng in nlCord numbers themselves, but <br />healthy ones are tightening their belts and limiting th"ir <br />cxposure to potentLtlly bad loans. One reason b. of course, <br />the difficult economic: climalll we are currently fst;ing which <br />generally change9 as the economy changes. Another reason, <br />which 15 much 1110!9 serious, is environmental factors. Finan- <br />cially-interest2d parties lI1'e particularly concem.ed about <br />today's envimruncmtaJ problems with relll estate. <br /> <br />Buying and Selling A <br />Drycleanlng Business <br /> <br />Whether you are buying or selling a business, roal estate <br />problel1l9 coused by contBmlMtion fort::eS lende(S to c;hoo5e <br />their risks carefully. Many lenders eJtClude tending mcney 10 <br />businesses, sue}, 119 drydea.nef8, that use hazardoU! materials. <br />Not only is there II chance that a lender will lose out on Ii <br />bad loan if the business defaults, but the EPA and the courts <br />can require the lender to pay for all cleanup casts if it is found <br />that the business is contaminated. <br />AI the Americ;an Bankers Association has stated, "Instead <br />of eJ:posing th~1ves to l.awlluils, many lendtlft will lJimply <br />I!Ivoid making litigation-prone loam to a long li9t of er'Il2r. <br />pr15e!1." DryclsaNng WQS among th~ ltIdU81ries mentioned u <br />"litigatiun-prone. M <br />Lenders are finding It necessary In perform a Phase I <br />qualitative (@view of the real estah! and/or test the site for <br />ront!lmination befoft! any transaction, i.e. buying or 5'!lIing <br />a drycleaning businl!8s, can OCCIU'. At minimum, a Pha~ I <br />site a,sessment includes; <br />. the investigation of current and previous owners' of the <br />site, <br />. the inspection of the land and buildings o.n ttle property, <br />. the contact of all environmental agencies to detennine <br />if there are appropriate permits in UII8 118 well as ~y <br />compliance with probtelN of the site, <br />. the! I'Gvlew of adjal::ent prope:rti99, and <br />. the te\'iew ot all activilies of the sile. <br />Other factortl which mayor may not be part of a Phase 1 <br />review but which plant owner! have greab!r control over and <br />should be lookJng at lire: <br />. actual iOiI tasbi, <br />· data gathering, <br />. presence of wtderground starsge tanks, <br />· living spaces, <br />· common wells. <br />. vapor exhausts, and <br />