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<br />01/27/1998 16:12 <br /> <br />6124841903 <br /> <br />ENVIRONMENTAL & RBGULATORY (Continu.ed) <br /> <br />capture only remaining vapors left In the wheel upon <br />c:ampletion of tM drying process.) <br /> <br />Existing Transfer and Dty-to-Dry <br />Vented Equipment <br />· Plants that UJe both transMr and dry-~ry ventl!d <br />equipmllJ1t at a single location will have to foDow the <br />regulations fol' elli!!ting dry-b:l-dry end new dry-to-dry <br />equIpmenL 11'\fl(l r9qui.rement3 are outlined. above. <br />DrydeanJng PlantslEqulpment <br /> <br />Eq"ip~nt pu.rchases: <br />· If you installed a drydClaning machine or add-on con- <br />trol device prior to IJea!mber 9, 1991, you must com- <br />ply with pollution prevention, n!cord keeping, and <br />reporting requiremenb by December 21, 1993. <br />· If you installed a drydeaning machine or add-on con- <br />trol device afler December 9, 1991, you must comply <br />with pollution prevention, record kG!eplng, and report- <br />ing requi({'ments by Sepoomtx!r 22, 1993. <br />&ish", dryt:hll"er, who hAvr tD rrIAke equiprrrerd purch.ttsd <br />4S .d resulf of tM 1I/!W stJmdlml wi111l.d~ 36 month. to comply. <br /> <br />Notification Requirements <br />· AU dryeJeaners will have to file an "Initial Notifica- <br />tion Reporting Requinllnents lor PerchJoroethylene <br />Dry Ceaning Facilities" by December 21, 1993. <br />And l!ither <br />. drycleaners who installed a dryc:]~ machine or <br />adcl~n controls prior to Del:ember 9, 1991. will have <br />up 10 37 month9 to send "notice of certiAc:ation" to <br />EPA, or <br />. drycl98nerll who installed a dtydeqnjng machine or <br />add-on controls after December 9, 1991, wiD have 30 <br />daYB tD !lend "notice of certification" to EPA. <br /> <br />O1HI....QU....INYS .0. MOST <br />.RYCLlANIU <br />Those exempt transfer and dry-ttHJry drye1eanen who <br />fan into the categorie8 of "Less than 200 gallons" and "140 <br />gaUorut" of perc per year (as previously mentioned), win <br />only have to comply wilt, requirements 1. 2, 3, 6, and 7 <br />below. <br /> <br />Maintenance <br />(1) Cartridgea shall be drained in their housil1g ur <br />!lealed tontainer lor a minimum of 24 hours. <br /> <br />Inspection <br /> <br />The following must be inspected wookly: <br />(2) Hose Md pipe connections, fittings, couplings. and <br />valves; door gaskets and geating5; finer gaskets and 5eat- <br />inS!!; pumP!!; solvents tanks and container water !>ef'l'Ir<'I. <br />ton; mucks COOkQrfl; stills; exhau9t dampers; divorter <br />valve!!; cartridge EUter housings. <br /> <br />GARY MCLEAN INC <br /> <br />PAGE 07 <br /> <br />(3) AU leaks that an! found must be repaired within 24 <br />hOUJ:!. (f YOlL have to order those parts fC6 repair, a verbal or <br />written order for these parts must be Initiated wilh{J\ two <br />working days 01 dotoctlng the leak. lealu mU!~ be repain!d <br />withjn live day!! of receiving those parts. <br /> <br />Monitoring <br /> <br />(4) DryCJesTlI~rs with add-on refrigeration units will <br />have to .make weekly measutemenbl of the inlet and outlet <br />IIn!am UAing tempera~ ~ You will need to caiN- <br />late the inlet terIlpf3rature, which Is the difference between <br />the vapor stream from the washer and the vapor stream QX. <br />lling the NfridgC!rBted condenser. This diIf"'Nnce must bl! <br />greater or equal to 20"F, The DuUet temperah.tre from the <br />dcy-to-dry machine, dryer, or fClclaimer must bg equal or <br />lt~S!l than 4soF. <br />(5) Drydunen with add.on carbon vapor adsorbers <br />will have to make weekly meaau.rements of the exhawt <br />stack using a calorimetric deh!ctor tube. The exhaust from <br />the carbon adaorller cannot exceed 100 ppm. <br />(6) On the first day of each month, aU drydeaners will <br />tJJtaJ the volume of all perc purchases made in each of the <br />pnlVious 12 months. ThJs total repN8IiII'\tl your yearly perc <br />purchases for the year. Perc re;eipts should be kept and <br />logged along with othar information, such as the volume <br />of pert purclwes IS reccrded from recapts, thl! yariy pert: <br />consumption detennlned on the first day of each month, <br />dams whe't leak inspectiON have occurred as well as the <br />name and location of dry-cleaning equipment where leaks <br />have bgm detected, the dates of repair and record, of writ- <br />!en or vl!Jba\ ord.en far parIS. <br />(7) All drycleaners must have on-hand copies of de- <br />sign specifications and owner's manuals for each dryc1ean- <br />ing machine and emission control device located at the <br />plant <br />(8) If using add-on ({'trigeratilJn--record!l ot the tem- <br />perature and monitoring result!! must be kept. or <br />jf using a.n add-on carbon vapor adsorber-records <br />of the calorimetric detector tube mOrUlDring results must <br />be kepl <br /> <br />A t the time of publication. EP A had not yet fin.alimd <br />the initial notification or certification fornu for <br />dryc1eanel9 Ie complete. EPA has indicatecl to us, how- <br />ever, that the&e fonnll should be completed by the time <br />you ~ive this buUetin. Th" EPA regional office in your <br />area will be sending noHIi4:ation fonns to you In Iha nov<t <br />few weeks. If you do not receive the~ forms by December <br />12, 1993, you should contact the Small Busine&8 <br />Omnibudsman's office at the U.s. EPA (1-800-368-5888) <br />or the IFI GovClm.ment Relations deparbneot, and they <br />will be !lent to you. The EPA ha!i stated that any type of <br />fonn 1;iU'l be used that meet" the !ltandard-their form is <br />only a suggestion. [J <br /> <br />WrittEn by Jon Meijer, !PI Government Relations Manager. <br /> <br />AIK-t Nov~mber 1993 <br />e I"...nadon.. Pabri~N tNtlt\J!A!. Silver Sprlns, MD 1993, P.I"'Rd In the United SI.III!', All rIS"'" r~~rve4, No pin of tlUa work may be reprodur~rI in <br />an)' form or by ele~lrOnJ~ or medl8rw=aI mea"" I""Iud'", in/ormadon .to/'ll1" lod ....t.lev.llr-tem. without p<!.mlllllon From the publ"h~r, <br />