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<br />01/27/1998 16:12 <br /> <br />6124841903 <br /> <br />Ref1r:g~~tive <br /> <br />GARV MCLEAN INC <br /> <br />PAGE 06 <br /> <br />INTERNATIONAL <br />FABRlCARE <br />INSTI1UTE <br />BULLETIN <br /> <br />FINAL EPA AIR STANDARD FOR <br />PERC DRYCLEANING PLANTS <br /> <br />On Septrlmber 15. 1993, the U.S. EnvironmentaJ Protec- <br />tion Agenq (U.S. EPA) Air Office publiahecl the long <br />awaited final air standard for peK drycleam!1"9. The indU9- <br />try..,upported regu1.aticm was originally proposed. in De- <br />c"rober 1991. but has taken nearly two year!! to finaliZl!. <br />The most significant ali-peet of th<! new rule i:i that only ~ <br />frige:ralect condensers can be used rot add-on control. <br />They must haVg It dual coil to anow for the capture of va-- <br />por!! from the wuher and dryer. Somg older. singlg c:oil re- <br />frigerated condgMC!1'9 may have to bQ retrofitted. AU other <br />add-on control devices lI~ch as calbon vapor adsorbers <br />and other controls are not approved, although carbon <br />vapor ad80rbers have been grandfathered in most cases. <br />Also. insUiUation of a new or roplacement twTJblgr or re- <br />dehner, 101m not be allowed. In oiher words. if your tum- <br />bler or reclaimsr needs replacement, you wiD have to <br />purdlase II dry-to-dry systmn as described below. A Sum- <br />mary of this and other new requlremenl9 fur dryc1eaners is <br />below. IfT will be providing further deta.i1s of the full perc <br />standard In an upcomillg Fabrir,a~ Ntws. <br /> <br />SUMMARY: FINAL EPA PERC AIR <br />STANDARD <br /> <br />Existing Transfer Equipment <br /> <br />Using less tlwn 200 gallons 0/ peTe per year per <br />plant: <br />. Exempt from aU requirements except for Initial re- <br />porting to EP A and for some basil: record keeping and <br />maIntenance items. <br />Using more thall 200 gallons per year. bur less Ihan <br />1.800 gallons ptr year per plant: <br />. If not almady uaing a carbon adsorber or an add-on re- <br />frigerated condenser-wtall II refrigerawd condenser. <br />. If already ming a camon adsorber-no new Ilquip- <br />ment needed. <br />. If already using a refrigera~d conden!W!r--no new <br />equipment required. <br />. If rgpladng the cl98ning machine itself-iNtall B <br />vented dry-to-dry machine with add-on n!frigt!ration, <br />or install a dry-to-dry closed loop refrigerated ma" <br />cltlne. <br />Ifusing more than 1,800 gallons per year per plant: <br />. M\I,t install II room enclo9\11'e with <:arbon adsorber. <br />. If not already u9in.g II carbon adsorber or an add-on ro- <br />frigerated condenser-install a reITigerated condenser <br /> <br />as wel1 a9 a carbon adsorber to be used with the room <br />enclosure. <br />. U already using I carbon I\ds~o new equipment <br />requited. Although lI'Iust ,till use a room endOilJl'e. <br />· If al",ady using a refrigerated condenser-will also <br />need to purchase a carbon adsorber to be u!led with <br />the room enclosunI. <br /> <br />New Transfer Plants <br /> <br />No new transfer equlpmQnt wiU bg permitted. under <br />thQ standard. <br /> <br />ExJltlng Dry~o-Dry Vented Equipment <br /> <br />Using less tluVl 140 gallons of pere per year per <br /> <br />plQJIc: <br />. Exempt &om aU roquirements except lor initial report. <br />Ing to EP A and for some basi<: record keeping and <br />maintenance itr!nu. <br /> <br />. <br /> <br />Using more than 140 gallolLS 0/ pere per year per <br /> <br />plan!: <br />., It not already using a carbon adsomer or an add-on rC!- <br />frigeramd condenser-install a refrl~rated condenser. <br />. U already lDing a carbon adsotber-no new equiplI\2Jlt <br />reql.dred. <br />. If already using a refrigeral:l!d condenser-no new <br />equipment ~uin:d. <br /> <br />New Dry-To-Dry Vented EquJpment <br /> <br />Using less than 2,100 gallons per year: <br />. In,tall a vented dry-to-dry mac:hine with add-on roErig- <br />eration or install a closed loop refrigerated ma.chine. <br />Using more ,han 2.100 gallons per year: <br />. Install a dry-to-dry dosed loop rehigerated machin9 <br />with carbon adsorption. (Carbon adsorption in this <br />Cas9 ",(ers to a small carbon unlt used to caphue any <br />remaining vapors left in the wheel upon completion <br />of the drying pro<<!ss.) <br /> <br />Existing Dry-to-Dry <br />Refrigerated NNo--Vent" Equipment <br /> <br />. Will meet aU requirements of the standard. <br /> <br />New Dry-to-Dry Refrigerated Equipment <br /> <br />Using more than 2.100 gallons per year: <br />. Must include/install a carbon adsorber, (Carbon adsol" <br />ber In this case roklrs to 11 small carbon unit used to <br /> <br />...~. .. ....-.- ,>>".-.---..... <br /> <br />