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<br />.....h either cheer or cnnge. <br />After all, in 1990 it was Finley's <br />unclothed performance art here that lit a <br />long-burning fuse over the National Endow- <br />ment for the Arts, a furor that continues In <br />the form of her Supreme Court case to be <br />heard next week. <br />Depending on your perspective. Finley is <br />a First Amendment crusader who has taken <br />her art form to a new level or she's the <br />kind of shrill and disgusting art~harlatan <br />the government has no business funding. <br />Her work, and the case that stemmed from <br /> <br />l'tUL :W, SdlU rll.U! l\'U.~uy, iHwm~y wr <br />Morality in Media Inc., which filed B <br />friend-of-tbe-court brief against Finley. <br />"Why should the taxpayer expect its gov- <br />ernment to pay for someone sticking their <br />tbumb in the taxpayer's eye?" he said. <br />"There is no necessity for Uncle Sam to <br />fund works that are indecent or blaspbe- <br />mous, and that's wbat this case is all about!' <br />"American Chestnut," Finley's new mul- <br />timedia piece opening Wednesday at Inter- <br /> <br />. I '''''''Co I ;2. <br />$20, $15 for <br />Intenn.dla Arts <br />partners <br />. ALSO: Discus- <br />sion wHh Finley, <br />2 p.m. Saturday, <br />$12, $6 for IA <br />partners <br />. CALL: <br />871-4444 <br /> <br />" <br /> <br />BY JUDY <br />ARGINTEANU <br /> <br />STAFF WRITER <br /> <br />Suspicious fire <br />destroys car <br />~ hockey star <br />3lahoski wasn't at home <br /> <br />~OBERT F. MOORE STAff WRITER <br /> <br /> <br />'ana Blahoski, a member of the gold <br />:leda! U.S. women's bockey team, <br />ecently hung a small purpie ball with <br />lue-and-purple tassels from the <br />~arview mirror of <br />er car. The <br />apanese ornament <br />ras a gift from a <br />roup of welcom- <br />rs in Nagano, who , <br />reeted Blahoski <br />nd her teammates <br />linutes before <br />:ley rode to the <br />tlympic vjJJage <br />NO months ago. <br />Early Monday, Blahoskl <br />1St after midnight, . <br />otb the ornament and her golden 1989 <br />[onda Civic were destroyed in a suspi- <br />lous fire in the driveway of her home <br />n the 700 block of West Nebraska <br />.venue in 8t. Paul. <br />"When my brother (Roman) called me <br />lis morning to tell me that my car was <br />)taled, I thougbt he was kidding," said <br /> <br />BLAHOSKI CONTINUED ON 58 Ii> <br /> <br /> <br />FINLEY CONTINUED ON 68 Ii> <br /> <br />Dry cleaner likely to fold <br />after relocation plan fails <br />. 40-year-old business <br />must move by March 31 <br /> <br />LINDA OWEN STAFF WRITER <br /> <br /> <br />A longtime Roseville dry cleaner says <br />he probably will lose his business after <br />the Roseville City Council on Monday <br />turned down a plan to allow him to relo- <br />cate in a nearby shopping center. <br />The 40-year-old Grand Cleaners has to <br />move by March 31 from Roseville Center <br />at Lexington and Larpenteur avenues <br />because the shopping center is being <br />redeveloped. Owner Don Frishberg had <br />hoped to move across Lexington to the <br />north section of the Lexington Plaza <br />shopping center. <br />But a hitch developed because Frish. <br />berg's dry-cleaning business does its pro- <br />cessing on-site, rather than sending <br />clothes to a cleaning plant elsewhere. <br />Lexington Plaza's retail business zoning <br />does not allow such a use. <br />City officials considered rezoning the <br />center to "retail office service," which <br />would allow the processing facility, but <br />also a number of other business uses not <br />compatible with the residential area to <br />the east. <br />As 'a compromise, the Roseville Plan- <br />ning Commission recommended a <br />planned unit development (PUD), a type <br /> <br />of zoning that <br />allows mixed uses """"""'" <br />and flexibility to ~ <br />deal with special Redevelopment <br />situations. Grand In Rosevllle <br />Cleaners would _~, . <br />have been the sole A busInessman <br />beneficiary of the has put money <br />first phase of the down on new <br />PUD. equipment for <br />But on Monday, the move and <br />the City Council said he stands to <br />unanimously reject- lose his Roseville <br />ed that plan, too. operation, valued <br />, Council members at perhaps <br />said ther wanted to $250,000. <br />help Fnshberg stay <br />in RoseviIle, but the jury-rigged solution <br />did not fit the intent of a PUD. <br />Community Development Director Den- <br />nis Welsch said the city staff will investi- <br />gate Frishberg'$ hist hope - that his <br />business does not fit the definition of a <br />"processing facility.",. '.. <br />"If it's a se~ice facility" we can issue <br />the permit," Welsch said: "If it's !'! pro- <br />cessing facility, (the, 'cpuncil's) deCision <br />stands. Our interpretation to this. -point' <br />has always been that this is ;I, procesSing <br />facility." ' , <br />Frlsbberg said after the vote he tblnks <br />his business is a processing facility, but <br /> <br />CLEANER CONTINUED ON 38 ... <br /> <br />Cross ar <br />argued 11' <br />day that <br />excluded <br />nesotans <br />of smokiI <br />"AI thou <br /> <br />An <br />tob <br />in' <br /> <br />1954-j <br />estim, <br /> <br />DAVID SH <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />Minne <br />cigarette!! <br />$1. 8 bilU< <br />tobacco I <br />testified ~ <br />The pre <br />slightly [] <br />$1.77 bilJ <br />and Blul <br />Blue Shie' <br />ta are s,* <br />ers' heal <br />from 19n <br />Paul, <br />Chicago-b <br />analyst, I <br />tobacco t <br />gins for c <br />steadily 0 <br />"They ~ <br />thegrowi <br />aging',: dil <br />firm "Houl <br />Much i: <br />ancf:Blue <br />testhnonJ <br /> <br />. <br /> <br /> <br />..- -' . - -,' - <br /> <br />___~ u.__..;:~.__. 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