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<br /> <br />46%.3585 JOINT PLANNING BOA <br />Upon reques[ of II home rule chaner r SWUWf)' ciry council or COunty or rown butu'd by <br />resolution presetlted 10 the counly auditor f the county at Ilk: offected terrifory 8 board shaD <br />be eitablishr:d 1.0 euccjse planmng and use control aUlhOrtlY In we ulllncwpontcd AR:;a <br />wltbln two mileS of Lbe corponw limits 0 a cj[y. The board.haJl mcmbetS in a number <br />delermined by rhl; elIY. counry, and rewn. h governmental unir ~halJ have an equal num- <br />ber of memblSn.. The membeB shall bI: ppoinIed from d1e govanint ~s ot the city, <br />W'UJlty,1U1d tD"VlJ. tJpoA n:q\I"f of more aM county or UlWI2 boAtd wilh respect [0 !he <br />Ul1inf;mparaUld area within (wo nillf:t of cotpOtltl: Jimitl of a single city, !he plmie.s may <br />crcafe one board J"ItIba IIwI . 5C~ board for elCb ~ty or IDWD, with equaJ member- <br />ship from Me}! attc"rcd COy~W unh. The board .ba)llCrYC as the UOVuniDI; body And <br />haatd of appeZl11 and adjUSQMnR for ptJJpMeS of s.ecUCI1lS 462.3~ I EO 462.364 within the <br />IWo-miJe area. Tha! board sball have all of tht powers UIJ1ta,in.:d in sectiOftS 462.351 ro <br />462.364 and shaJJ bavo authority to adopt IIIJd cnJOtCl: W uniform fin: code promulgwed <br />punuanc ~ xcci~ 299F.OU. The city WlI pro<<idll -raff lot me Sftpanrion and Bdtt1ini1~ <br />tion of hmd use cooJrols W1lcss ol~cwi5C agreed Oy the govctDmenw uniw. If II municiptdity <br /> the; application of irs JlulxJivision regulation, Co Wlincorporated tenilory Jocared <br />wlrbin cwo milca of i1l liml~ pUTlL,Lll.Jl~ co suuol146Z.3S8, lubdi,.i,ian 1;. before U11.' crntioll <br />of a join[ board. the I ubd i vision relulufions which the mwdci1U1l ity has e~tc:nded sholJ I OIl' ply <br />until Iht joint bCXll'd IIdap'5 subdh.ision reguJalion5. <br />History: J982 c507 J 24 <br /> <br />462.359 PROCEDURE FOR PLAN EFfECfVATION; OFfICIAL MAPS. <br />Subdivi~lon 1. Statamn( or purpose. Land that is I1I;cdtd for future slrFt putpose5 <br />and a~ ~ir.eJ fDr osher necCt>$U}' pub1i(: (lICilhic~ JIIIllCrvi~~a iJl rrcqucndy divc;rk:1S [0 nonpLl~ <br />lie uses which ~outd have ~~n loc(J\(;d on mher IJ!~ wilhout hardship or jncoip'~nlen~ to <br />the t)'N/1CI'!i. Whtn tnis happens. public uACS of li1nd may be LIcni.:d Of may be ohlllin~ IfIler <br />only 81 prohibili v~ COQ or III me cxpenSe! Of dlilOCMiing d1t QWDtIr.> and Ul:cup;llJ~ or th= !Mld. <br />IdcuurlCl1Ilon OrlAn orraciut m:ap o( IIII'd ncc:ded for IUlure public u.&e!o permiu both Ole public <br />and priVIdC property 0WDe1"li 10 adju~ thdir building pli1D5 eQuiUibly lil)d conveniently Ixfort <br />inveaUTN:nU art trulde which will make such udjusunems ctiftkult (0 aceompfish. <br />Subd. Z. AdopUoa.. MtI:r die: plilMin.;a;S;m;y has DdoplCd i.I [11Qpr rborou&h11ll'C plOll <br />UnLllI colM1l.1nily r:lcilili~, pIaI'. il m!l)l. (or the purpotot o( CDtr)'ini WI the poIicic:: of the <br />roujor thoroughfiU~ plWl and community futilities plLU1. pn:pure und t~ml1Wl1d ILJ the gov- <br />erning body u proposcU ofTu;iu] map eovering 1ho enure munitipu.1il)' or any pottlon rhatof. <br />The pvc{lIiQ& bod, mR1. lifter holdinj; 11 pu.blic hebrin8- odopc :lmJ iIlf1I:nu ~ oCIiciuJ m::lp by <br />onlinllnc~. A nosic~ or tM lime. plOCt: wIIJ pLltpOtie of the ~ng sbOlIl be publiJihW in the <br />offidul ncwSpi1per of tbe municipaJily IIllcastlen d;Jyt; prior LO Lf\.( diue of the hearing. 1b~ <br />officlUi map or IDap5 ~hUn be prc~ in su((jr;icm dclllil LO permit Ibc camilli.vllnt.:nl of Iha <br />flltw, acqui&luon Jines on d~ stol.lnd. In unplAUed nreas a minimum 01 a centerline iUCVey <br />.hoU bilve beK:n made prior '0 the prtpnraLion of tb: finlll drafr of Jbe official mnp. The <ICCUl'D- <br />'y ohhe future lCQuisltlon lina ..howo 011 me cflil::ill1 map sball be attested co b 0 foglslaCd <br />lAnd Wt'Vcyor, Mr<< adoption. a copy 01 the otrlCUd mSlJ>. Ot s;edjoTl$ ~of ith II copY of <br />!he: adopUDI ordin8JIt~ aaad1ed alwJJ be filed lllith the towny ftco~r III p idc:d rn aec- <br />tioPI462.351 to 462.364. <br />Subd. 3. Erred. Afw' aD official map Ims been ado~ and fiJed. Lhc w <br />inl panniu by \he municipAlity ,hall1x stJbject to rbe p-ovi.ionll of chill ReCt' <br />any Ib"eet or hip,.,..., ia widened or improve(! or any new Ilreet is opened. intdC!1$ i4 <br />lands for omer pubUc: pLll]lOSct Q,('C DCQUlrcd by Iht municipaliry, it is oot rcq ~d in s\.llCb <br />procccdinp to P"f for DAY buiWin3 or SClUQI\JlU placed whhDUt .. p.mUt or violatiod en <br />conditio!!!! of a permit wilhlA the limit. or the ml\Pped &lrL:tt 01 oulh:ie of any uildina lliII: <br />Ibi&1 may havc been catablilbed upon the uisdng SU'Cet or wilhiD &111 I1rea ~ nLified for <br />public pwJIDitS. Tbc DI1opdon ot IIA offacial map does .ogt g.ivor; Ibt tn&IAi,lpaJ allY righs. <br />ode. or itnernt in III"Otu: idemifiltd for PJb1ic putpolu thl':tetJft, but the adoptio of the map <br />doell autboriu me municipalil1 w acquiJe such ItU.ete&t5 wjthout paying CO DlltuiOO (or <br />buiktlnga or sU'UCtUl'C& ~~1td 10 such ~ wilboUlII pennil or in ViOlatiotl or condWoD!l <br />of II JX'nniL <br /> <br />,... .+". . ........ .. <br /> <br />I i <br /> <br />46LJ31! HOl5JNC, RlJ)f;VU.OPMINT, P <br /> <br /> <br />. . <br />\ <br /> <br />ILLGEL I g~S WilIO: 9! .~~/!! ; g! 86 ,9! H (NOW} <br /> <br />536 <br /> <br />