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<br />'" : .(. .; <br /> <br /> <br />.j <br />'. <br />~ <br />'~ <br /> <br />- <br /> <br />1]1 <br /> <br />HOtJSJNt:. amY.WJ..oPMl!N1'. PLANNING. ZOI'QJIj'C 46H~97 <br /> <br />f <br />II <br /> <br />I: ) <br />j I! ; <br />, !' 1 <br />J' i ~ <br /> <br />Subd. 4. Appcab. If a land DSC or ~onjng pcnnit or approval for 0 building in uch !oca- <br />~ion is dealed. II1e board Of appc81J find aaJlI5unetnS lhall have thG pow",". upon appgill niL%! <br />....ith it by die OWUet of thell11d_ fA) srant a petmlL ot apptOv>ll for buildinB in Ju~h locwion in <br />aDY case itI whicb the ~(i finds, upon Lhe evid.=nce and \h" UYU/DCllu, ~km~d ~o it, (e.) <br />that Ihe entire property of the Ip~])Mr of which such .atea identified for public putp08c:S <br />fgnpa a pan ClUIOOt yield A rcuonob!, ",(um to Ilu: owDtr unlC55 lIlIch Ia pl:lmit Of ,.pproyw if <br />,ranted. and (b) lhat baLmciae the intelesl of the municipaUIY ja prescl"j"g the integrity of <br />.be oftk:ialDJAp aDd of die compteMAsiVD m\.llliciplIl plan and the ilIteteSl: of [he owner of Ibe <br />propeny In me IIIC of the prop:ny and In me bcndll6 of ownership, lhe grant of permit <br />Of approw1 is requited b)' cOMi~anl of jUJtice and equity. In additiol:110 the nOlice of <br />~ rt4uited by secliOD 462.354. !ubdj..,isioo 2. a ROIkc shall tit publabed in the orrJclar <br />newsplJlllt once &I Jean tea day. befonl tilt day c1f !he beiriDJ. It tI1t: bOaJd of appealS and <br />fMULlSII'I1mf3 auchorizcl cba isswll1I:e of a. ponJJh or approval mo &ovtlmins bod)' or od1et <br />board 01 commi.5Jon having juri.sdicliolt aball AilVC six. monln& {rom the dIne of tfJa= decision <br />ofd1e board to in..nllUU! prDC:c:tdin,JIO acquin: such 1Il11O 01 inlctt.t lhetein. and if no such <br />proceedIngS atO stlned wiihin UU" Lime. Ihe officer rc:5ponaiblc {or i"!.Iil\; pormiu or ap- <br />provall ,hflU i!sue [he permit or approval thhe application crhl!lwise conforms tD loaf ordi. <br />ruw:c&. ~ boW shillf sjk::cify [be t:1t8l:1 locatioQ. ground afCa. hoic:blllnd 0Iber deulib 115 rO <br />Ihe extent and clWac1er Oflhe buildins (or whkb me perml! or approvul15 grunted. <br /> <br />HistOr1: /96j t 670 s 9: 1976 c l8l .r 2; 19~ c 444: 199$ c 'ZJ4 art j s 8 <br /> <br />462.3595 CONDITIONAL USE PERMlTS. <br />SubtJivisiuR 1. AuttJoril'_ The governing body mil) by onJinonce de~ignaw <br />types or tkYl:lopmcnls. includIng planned unit devtloprnenL~. and cel1llin IlInu d~vel()pmC!nl <br />-=uyjiial i/,-; culWiliolHJ u~ IlnlJcr 7;Ontng ICljulurion:J. ComJiliD~J Wic:S mil)' b.: ~ppm"'lId by <br />lhc: pf;l1Iin: body or Olhc:r Jciigmued ilulhnrilY by 11 ,I1o\\ling by Ihe applicanllhut L~ SUUI- <br />tbrdi anti criterill slated in the otuinan~ will b.: IIlll;t,fjaJ. The ~(lIndllnb ilnd criti:ria stud! <br />lnc:luw boUlSCl'II:ral l<:qulseJl1QnlS fDr nil ct)lK.Ih]onall.l~"'~, umJ In~urw 11;'1 Pfil"dl:i1blc, cc. <br />q..iRa14m'l.P"Cific toeuch desiSA:lk!d clJndilional use. <br />Subd. 2. Publit b.carin~ Public; hearinlPo on zhe gfunting Df contJilionul use per/T1ib <br />shall ~ held in the mnnnct ptOYided in section 462.357. AUbc.Ji ~ision 3. <br />. Subd. 3. Duradon. A cumlibOl1ilf elSC rcnnit 'haJJ rcmuin in effel.'t OJIi lon~ DllhI: coolSl- <br />. ~$.~ UpurI wo o~. bul nothiftj; in Ihh IlUCbun !.hulf pre"',,", thll f1Wni(;ip~lit)' <br />. '. .' ftam-CJuu:Linl UI'-Uln"ncljoa ufficial corutub ~o ~nOln:e Ihe hLUIU1t of condi uonill UM:1o. ' <br />" ,"..: SubJ. 4:. filJna or pmmL A c:cTtincd top)' or ;ny comlitiollulllSC jNrmit !'ihall be filed <br />,',' wilb [he COUIJIY ~ur~r or n:t;Jstr:lr of lille. ur (be c:ounlY or counlicti In wh Ie h Ihe mu nlei- <br />. palil)' h, loaned for rcc:onI. Tho tolldhioJud LU.a pttl'lnilllhall inc:II1~~ tbe !C:IJI'I d':lcripdon ot <br />the propcny included. " <br />JUstOry: 1981 ( 507 I ~S <br /> <br />- <br />~J, <br /> <br />461J591 ~ lISES. <br />" SubtllYIstDQ 1. DeJhdUoa. An "Jmcrbn IJIII:'" il8lempofilJ')' UK or propcny "ntH Do <br />tle"lal.". unul the oct1lmru:r or. panicular tI\lml. o,r unulwnine I1IlUlnIions 1M) IoDjC <br />pamh h. <br />Subel. 2. Authority. Zofting reguhuions mil)' ~rmh the governing bod)' !o ajlow mw <br />Un I&CIL The reculluloru mD)' SCI ~ond"'iol1l on interim llaes. Tho Jo.."mitl8 body lt1.IIy <br />pnmi.....Loo. (or an iarerim we! or propeny j f. <br />(J ) the US(j confOI1l15 lo !be zoning reguJiuioJu; <br />(2) tJle dUlc or eVCDl thai will lUIIUnae Ihe use can be idenliflOd with ccnaiaty~ <br />(JJ perrniaioa of lie use \rill J10t I.mpoae lIddiliolUlJ cCISIS 00 me public if it is <br />fDt me pubUt: to JBU me propcny )0 Ihc fIlwse; Imd . <br />(of) dJc \IKI' a&r<<'lo aD)' eonoiuEIhIi thu the Bov.mill' body deetnJ .pproprime fot per <br />miuian of me u.. <br />My intethn UJC may be lenninnled by a chan;e in mning rcguhuiohl. <br /> <br /> <br />.;. <br /> <br />9/9 d ILLC:ELI9SS 'ONlIO:91 '~Ull:~1 86,9l 'E[(NOW) <br />