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<br />e8/11/1998 15:48 <br /> <br />5124552e31 <br /> <br />LOCKHEED MARTIN, MN <br /> <br />PAGE e2 <br /> <br />~i~ \~~, <br />,\ <br />.." <br /> <br />~ _\\_ '\ i <br /> <br />August 11, 1998 <br /> <br />TO:. Roseville Planning Commission <br />Roseville City Council ' <br /> <br />RE: True Value Hardware Variance Request <br />Planning File #3029 <br /> <br />This memo i~ being prepared in opposition to the subject variance request. <br />There are several issues with this variance request which create conflicts for the <br />Rose Villa Townhouse community. Among them are the following: <br />1. The original variance for an addition to the subject property was granted <br />when the land behind the Hardware Store was unoccupied. The nearest <br />residence behind the building at that time was at a significant distance from <br />the propQsed addition. Since that time new dwellings have been constructed <br />for the Rose Villa Townhouse community which have patio areas within <br />approximately 30 feet of the property line. The reasons and rationale for the <br />original variance no longer apply. Two of the new residences would be <br />significantly impacted as shown in the attached drawings. In addition a third <br />dwelling would have the view to the southwest affected to a lesser degree. <br />2. Mr. Johnson has proposed to remove much of the existing dead and <br />undesirable vegetation and deteriorating fence and to provide new trees and <br />shrubs o~ the Rose Villa property. The attached drawings show the present <br />configuration of the proposed plantings. These include two 2.5 U Autumn <br />Blaze maple trees and three 5-6' Techny ArboNitae while retaining two of the <br />mature trees which are already at ~he south end of the affected area. In <br />addition,he has indicated that he would paint the rear wall of the building any <br />color desired by the residents. I applaud Mr. Johnson for his concern and <br />desire to work with the community, but it will be several years before the new <br />plantjngs~ will provide any significant screening for the building. The fact is <br />that a single row of plantings will provide almost no screening coverage and <br />there is sUbstantial risk that the trees proP08ed to be saved will not survive <br />the excavation of their root systems within three feet of their trunks. <br />3. For new construction setbacks are included on business property to provide <br />berms alid plantings which separate and screen it from adjacent residential <br />areas. hi the present case the proposed variance would push such <br />screening onto the adjacent affected residential property. As noted in the <br />drawings, there is not sufficient space available to provide adequate <br />screening even if Mr. Johnson were to maintain it in perpetuity. <br />4. The land to be covered by the new addition drains to the east and north into <br />an existing storm sewer. Total rainfall and snow melt running into this sewer <br /> <br />'. <br />. "," <br />