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<br />Chicago Title Insurance <br />Company <br /> <br />Residential <br />Title Insurance Policy <br /> <br />One-to-Four Family <br />Residences <br /> <br />O\Vner's Coverage Statement <br /> <br />This policy insures your title to the land described in <br />Schedule A-if that land is a one-to-four family <br />residential lot or condominium unit. <br /> <br />Your insurance, as described in this Coverage <br />Statement, is effective on the Policy Date shown in <br />Schedule A. <br /> <br />Your insurance is limited by the following: <br /> <br />. Exclusions on page 2 <br /> <br />Covered Title Risks <br /> <br />. Exceptions in Schedule B <br /> <br />. Conditions on pages 2 and 3 <br /> <br />We insure yoo against actual loss resulting from: <br /> <br />. any title risks covered by this Policy-up to the <br />Policy Amount <br />and <br />. any costs, attorneys' fees and expenses we have to <br />pay under this Policy <br /> <br />This Policy covers the following title risks, if they <br />affect your title on the Policy Date. <br /> <br />1. Someone else owns an interest in your title. <br /> <br />2. A document is not properly signed, sealed, <br />acknowledged, or delivered. <br /> <br />3. Forgery, fraud, duress, incompetency, incapacity <br />or impersonation. <br /> <br />4. Defective recording of any document. <br /> <br />5. You do not have any legal right of access to and <br />from the land. <br /> <br />6. There are restrictive covenants limiting your use of <br />the land. <br /> <br />7. There is a lien on your title because of: <br />· a mortgage or deed of trust <br />. a judgment, tax, or special assessment <br />· a charge by a homeowner's or condominium <br />association <br /> <br />8. There are liens on your title, arising now or later, <br />for labor and material furnished before <br /> <br />the Policy Date-unless you agreed to pay for the <br />labor and material. <br /> <br />9, Others have rights arising out of leases, contracts, <br />or options. <br /> <br />10, Someone else has an easement on your land. <br /> <br />11. Your title is unmarketable, which allows another <br />person to refuse to perform a contract to <br />purchase, to lease or to make a mortgage loan. <br /> <br />12. You are forced to remove your existing <br />structure-other than a boundary wall or <br />fence-because: <br />. it extends on to adjoining land or on to any <br />easement <br />. it violates a restriction shown in Schedule B <br />. it violates an existing zoning law <br /> <br />13. You cannot use the land because use as a <br />single-family residence violates a restriction shown <br />in Schedule B or an existing zoning law. <br /> <br />14. Other defects, liens, or encumbrances. <br /> <br />Company's Duty to Defend Against Court Cases <br /> <br />We will defend your title in any court case as to that <br />part of the case that is based on a Covered Title Risk <br />insured against by this Policy. We will pay the costs, <br />attorneys' fees, and expenses we incur in that defense. <br /> <br />We can end this duty to defend your title by exercising <br />any of our options listed in Item 4 of the Conditions. <br /> <br />Page 1 <br /> <br />This policy is not complete without Schedules A and B. <br />