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Regular City Council Meeting <br /> Monday,August 25, 2014 <br /> Page 15 <br /> ing them to work on these important community efforts without spreading their <br /> membership too thin. <br /> Mayor Roe concurred; and opined that the highlight of this year's Rose Parade for <br /> him was the Karen dancers, and expressed his appreciation of their enthusiasm in <br /> participating. <br /> Mayor Roe thanked the HRC for all their work, and providing a great summary of <br /> what they had accomplished and where they planned to go, and expressed the City <br /> Council's support in those efforts. <br /> Recess <br /> Mayor Roe recessed the meeting at approximately 7:41 p.m. and reconvened at approximately <br /> 7:47p.m. <br /> 10. Public Hearings <br /> 11. Budget Items <br /> a. Review the 2015 -2034 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) and Funding Strate- <br /> gies <br /> Finance Director Chris Miller noted that several members of the Finance Com- <br /> mission were in the audience to observe this discussion; and to address the City <br /> Council with a recommendation on the current Cash Reserve Policy after deliber- <br /> ation at their last few meetings. <br /> Mr. Miller presented an overview of the 2015 — 2034 Capital Improvement Plan <br /> including recommended funding strategies for 2014, financial impacts, and future <br /> funding considerations. <br /> As part of this presentation, Mayor Roe advised that the former CIP Task Force <br /> had made recommendations for - 2016-2020 future CIP funding for facility re- <br /> pair/replacement and the Pavement Management Plan (PMP) and addressing the <br /> funding gap through use of repurposing of debt service retirements and including <br /> additional levy dollars as part of that recommendation. Mayor Roe reviewed <br /> some of the looming issues for the City Council to address to resolve those fund- <br /> ing shortfalls, with the projected shortfalls sufficiently addressed to a great degree <br /> if the Task Force's recommendations were enacted as proposed. <br /> Specific to the Park Improvement Program (PIP), Mayor Roe noted that the CIP <br /> Task Force had further addressed the debt service retirement in 2020 of City Hall <br /> bonds and their recommendation to repurpose some portion of them for other pur- <br /> poses, including the PIP. <br /> Finance Director Miller noted that, in 2012, the City Council took action to sup- <br /> port that funding plan and the CIP Task Force's recommendations by resolution; <br />